
Tuesday 20 May 2014


Earlier this evening, Yahweh said, 'Bilderberg', so I took a look to see what they are up to. Apparently, they're meeting in Denmark at the end of May and that follows right after the Life Ball that Bill Clinton is attending in Vienna, Austria. Its all happening in Europe at the end of May.

It was landscape. However, the scan arrived like this for the Bilderberg Group. It looks like a person in a suit, like a suit that one would  wear as protection from fire, or radiation. It also reminds me of a divers outfit. There is what looks like a bear overlooking what is going on, is the bear symbolic of Russia?


Original painting, A4, May 2014 

I then took a look to see what the bible says about groups.  In the NT, in Ephesians 2:13-18 it mentions how Jesus made two groups one, and destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by setting aside in his flesh, the law with its commands and regulations. 

His purpose was to create in himself one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace, and in one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility. He came and preached peace to you who were far away, and those who were near. For through him, we both have access to the Father by one Spirit'. 

Is that true?

Facts prove, that the 'hostility' never ended in Israel 2,000 years ago. In fact, 100,000 people died in Jerusalem. So why doesn't the Church tell the people the truth?

Titus, 1:10 also mentions the Circumcision group.  So was circumcision of mens physical bodies a conspiracy to make men 'hostile'? It certainly looks like it, it is a known psychological fact, that circumcision makes people more 'hostile'.

However, the first mention of the people being divided into two groups, is in the book of Genesis, and it is Jacob that divided the groups with the livestock.  Genesis 32:7. Also Esau is mentioned as the 'attacker. 'If Esau comes and attacks one group, the group that is left may escape'. So there you go,  Obadiah prophecy predicted that Jacob would be the fire, Joseph the flame and Esau will be stubble.


Painting, A4, May 2014. 

Does that little character look cute USA?
How cute and loving is American movies and TV?
What about the latest dish from Hollywood?
Have you seen the tattoos on her back?
Is that what you wish for your children to see, and have on their plate of consciousness?


Original artwork, A4. May 2014. 

Why does Esau become stubble USA? The biblical prophecies tell you why. In the book of Numbers they came as a group, to oppose the prophets Numbers 16:3.  Remember this America, what you do unto others, shall be done unto you. That sums up the spiritual law of righteous love, so read about its justice and zealous compassionate action.

And what of the UK?

The Telegraph shares with you that the 'Voters have had enough of the bloated and dysfunctional governments.

As I wrote the other day, British businessmen are 'Bloody Wimps'. Seriously, what have they done to defend women, children, and the British culture and heritage?

35 years ago, London was metropolitan. 20 years ago, my mother left London where she was born and bred, due to not feeling safe there anymore. The elderly lady, felt surrounded and outnumbered, living in London. So she moved to the country where she could live with British people.

Now, the British government are planning to build on green land, to build houses for immigrants, and there has been uproar in Peterborough. Prices of houses are soaring in London, to drive more immigrants to the provinces and countryside.

The UK has been overcrowded in its inner cities for at least 30-40 years, and who suffers? The children that were born here. The degree of a child's suffering, is dependent upon the degree of the suffering of their parents, and poverty is at its highest in the UK since WW2.

British doctors are now writing about how the health of the nation is being impacted upon, due to the people not being able to feed themselves with healthy food. While those attending the Bilderberg group meeting in Denmark, will be sitting in the lap of luxury, with the best food that Denmark has to offer. So what will the people of Denmark, and other Europeans have to say about that?

This article from the Guardian about 'Bilderberg 2012' made me laugh, 'Nerds and veterans versus the bullies, Liberty's best hope'

Do you remember that we gave the race card back to them?

Mr McKenzie told the BBC: "They've diminished the meaning of racism. They've taken away the meaning of racism, which is a very potent subject."

Due to recent dreams, I've been compelled to revisit the internet community, and this song reminds me of the glass blog post and the glass mentioned in the book of Revelation. I haven't had an appetite in the last week or so, that is always a sign of what is happening on the planet. 

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