
Thursday 15 May 2014

Barbra Streisand Dream

This morning I had a dream of Barbra and she was singing at an event.  The top of her dress was see through.  After she finished singing she went upstairs, and she was in her shop. In the shop there were lots of things, and I was looking at some kitchen utensils, like those designed by Joseph and Joseph in the UK. She was  speaking to another person while I was there, and spoke of how she likes to do the buying for her shop herself. She likes do the choosing of what her customers will have the opportunity to choose from. 

After that, I picked up some incense, and took it to the till to give Barbra the money.  

I said to her, 'Is it a pound?'. She nodded her head, then I noticed that there was the numeric of 89p  on the incense.  Then she was talking about eating out, and how it was hard to go out on her own in America. I pondered upon what she was saying, and after I left the place where she was, I thought, maybe I could write to her and invite her to England, and to come and eat here, she would be safe here, and could eat in peace.

To dream of a person singing, foretells happy news, it can also indicate a new and exciting social environment.

To dream of a shop in dream interpretation indicates that there are financial issues that can be resolved with self-restraint.  I only bought some incense in the shop, so that was the self-restraint. In biblical interpretation, the incense is to do with the prayers of the saints, and I received them recently. See the post on the incense received on a spiritual level.

In spiritual symbology, incense is also to do with the pure life of virtue. It is described as the 'Tears of the Great Mother', that comes from the trees. 

The numeric of '89',  is interesting because that was the year that I started a business, that was very successful, much more so than I had planned, or anticipated. I only had humble views of it, and the only reason I began the business, was to have a job, to financially support myself and my child.

When it began, I certainly did use self-restraint, and in wages I took the absolute minimum that I could afford to do.  To ensure that there was plenty of cash flowing in to support the activity, that I was involved in.  I took no credit, or bank loans, I only used my own money, and my own earnings. Although I did re-mortgage the house, as an initial investment for the business.

The business began with 10,000, just like Joseph and Joseph and their kitchen utensil business that they are currently expanding due to their success. Interesting numeric that; with 10 being to do with the new cycle of time.

There was also 5,000+ for the car that was 9 months old, paid for in cash. To ensure that there were no leased cars, or bank loans or credit going out for a car. My overheads were minimal, and I kept them to a minimum, I was prudent.

8+9 =  17, 1+7 compounds to 8 the numeric of transformation. '89' certainly did transform my life. It was rapid advancement on a business level, and I did receive wonderful help, and advice from a well-known local businessman that I respected greatly. His business was national, and in the family name.

His encouragement came at a time, in the beginning of the business, when it was of great value to what I was doing, and where I was going. He enabled, and gave authority for his well-known name to go on my client list. He also attended fund raising charitable events that I organized. His name is written in my book of life.

It was also the timeline of the onset of a major recession, and it was only by the strength of will and courage, that I got through it, and came out the other side of it.

Its easy for celebrities like Barbra to make a success of any business, when they have plenty of cash flow to throw at it.  However, when you have nothing, it is not so easy to improve your financial situation. I did receive some divine guidance yesterday, so I am pondering upon that possibility. Just like in '89', it is clearly a time to be prudent, and to only purchase what is essential for your peace and well-being.

To invite a person to dinner in dream interpretation, indicates an increase in social activity, and I have been invited to a friends house tomorrow evening. In dream interpretation, to dream of a kitchen also indicates good and positive social events, and the utensils were for the kitchen.

What else do we have on the numeric of 89? In gematria it is the value of 'Lip', and Barbara was singing.  Its also the value of 'Place', 'Behold', and 'I like black'. As we know, Barbara is a Democrat that supported Obama, and the top of the black dress that she was wearing was see through. In the dream, I could see her bust, while she was singing.

In English gematria, 89 is the value of 'August', 'Unity', 'Gift of God', 'End Times', 'Success', 'Complete', 'Healing Herb'. 'Crop Up', so we are back with the crop circles. The numeric of 89 compounds to 8 and August is the eight month.

89 - Days of Matisyahu - Goodness and Kindness

The numeric of '89' is also in the 'Fibonacci Sequence'. Hence, it was natural divine providence, as it proved to be.  The next numeric after 89 in the sequence is 144.

89 relates to the numeric of biblical verses in a specific chapter.

Numbers 7:89 gives us the following verse:

'When Moses entered the tent of meeting to speak with the Lord, he heard the voice speaking to him from between the two cherubim above the atonement cover on the ark of the covenant law. In this way the Lord spoke to him'. 

Interesting that numbers chapter 7 is about the 'Offerings at the Dedication of the Tabernacle' and it includes 'utensils' and 'incense'. No surprise then that in the dream, I held the Joseph and Joseph utensils and the incense in my hands.

89 days from now is the 12th August, 2014.

The 12th August is also the 'Day of Convention'.

1 comment:

  1. Fibonacci sequence numeric 1/89, a repeating decimal fraction of 44 characters.
