
Friday 9 May 2014

300 Israelis 'Stranded' in Egypt

Israel floods and the blue horse.

News today, '300 Israelis are stranded on the Egyptian side of the Tabah border crossing.'   

As Yahweh said, 'Zachariah'.  God as remembered.,7340,L-4517856,00.html

Remember the 'Allay Message'.

Since that message as been received, four EL AL pilots did not turn up for work.

300 is the value of the Hebrew letter 'Shin'.  Chabad write about it in terms of 'The Matriachs' in Jewish mysticism.

The sound of the 'Shin  is 'Sh',  like 'She', and in the middle script it looks like a W.  In the original pictographs, Jeff Benner describes it as 'two front teeth' and it can mean the action of the teeth.

Jeff describes it as 'sharp',  and 'press', like when teeth are chewing. It also has the meaning of 'two', 'again', 'both or second from the two teeth'. As we know, teeth is also to do with wisdom,  and 2,000 years ago it was written in scripture that 'Wisdom will be proven right by HER actions', wisdom will be proven right by HER words'.

In the flesh of my left hand is the W, it is a scar,  there is also the letter Y, another scar in the flesh of my hand. In the ancient pictograph it looks like two openings, like when you have two teeth taken out. Would you like to see inside my mouth Israel, would you like to see my teeth, and the co-creation of the American corporations.  Are the Rabbis going to talk about Judaism and mysticism for the rest of their lives, or are they going to take some serious action and be corrected by wisdom?

The Rabbi speaks of the 'shin' has being engraved on the head. Correction, Rabbi, the letter is engraved in the flesh of my left hand. Yes, change does come when people comprehend what is written in their hands. It adds a whole new experience to your life and what our Creator has done. What do people do with their hands? They put them over their mouths, they put them on their hearts, they put them on their faces and heads when they are healing.

We also put our hands on horses to give them healing,  just like we do with people.  The teeth are also connected with every organ in the body, and there are healers that work with, and diagnose by looking at the teeth of horses.

Interesting that the Rabbi mentions 'Entropy',  and that is to with an American radio interviewer. Hence, the ancient pictograph is to do with speaking through the teeth e,g. communication.

'Elokim, the only Name of God which appears in the plural. The number of the letter shin, 300, unites these two Divine Names as the “flame bound to the coal.” In at’bash, the Name Havayah transforms to the letters mem-tzadik-pei-tzadik, which total 300. The five letters of Elokim (alef-lamed-hei-yud-mem) when written in full, also equal 300.'

So Israel, Elokim,  ready to see the right arm that is holy to the LORD? Are you ready to stop circumcising children? Are you ready to live by the everlasting covenant for the children that was delivered in 2007? Are you ready to do the will of God, and support the closing down of all nuclear reactors? Are you truly ready to walk the spiritual path of mashiach? Are you ready to receive the fruit of the lips?

Israel were given two openings, the first opening came when the Lute of Lovingkindness was born on the land of Israel, 2,000 years ago. The second opening came when the Harp of Faithfulness was sent at night time.  Not once, but twice sent to Israel, and it did fulfill biblical prophecy. Prophet Isaiah knew that I would not be born in Israel, he knew that I would be born on an Island. Did you comprehend the prophecies Israel? Did you comprehend the branch that would be raised up for David?

I have received the prayers of the saints, the smell of the incense reached me.

Do you comprehend?

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