
Saturday 31 May 2014

1,000ft Mosquito Tornado

Its a few months ago now, when I posted in the public domain that I had seen two red rings  energetically. They appeared in front of me, on the left of my screen, and the rings were hovering over the 'members' area of my in box of PM's.

It was clear to me then, that that the two rings were to do with two people who had sent me PM's.

Today, there is news that a '1,000ft tornado of mosquitos swarmed in a red circle towards a herd of horses in Portugal'.

This year, 2014, is the chinese year of the horse, and since I saw the two red rings, much has happened in the public domain, in the internet community. Two female moderators were sending me PM's at that time, and the PM's had 'war' in the title, they've now started a new forum. Its no coincidence that one of them was involved in a previous parting of the ways. Hence, this is the second time that she has been involved in it.

I did predict in January, 2013, that there would be a parting of the ways, and that everything was 'going nuclear' after the 'Killowatt prophecy', that became known as the 'Kern County' prophecy.

It was shared on-line that the two red rings that I saw, indicated a 'death' was coming, endings and new beginnings. I also explained how, one red ring, was larger than the other. The color red can also be to do with power, and when mosquitos are involved, I am sure that you can work it out for yourselves about what was happening. There has also been a recent announcement that Galaxy, a male moderator  passed over as well.

I have since shared in the public domain, that as far as I am concerned, there was absolutely no reason, or facts, to support the banning of yours truly by one of the moderators. No explanation will suffice from any moderator, due to the sheer numbers of witnesses, that witnessed what happened.

You see the LORD always ensures, that there are plenty of witnesses to support and defend, the innocent, if and when required.

The moderator in question has now started a new forum.  The same woman has been actively involved in the parting of the ways, from two different forums, there you have the 'war', and those that engage in it from America.

Its a long time ago now, when I shared the dream about the donkey and the horses.  In the dream, men dressed as Christian crusaders killed the donkey, and I told the horses to go, because they were going to be next.  After that a young girl died in the community, she committed suicide.  I couldn't save the American donkey, due to the American men that surrounded her. However, I did manage to save the horses. That is why the bible warns you not to forsake wisdom.

The truth will set them free.

I do have spiritual friends in Portugal. However, they are under the protection of wisdom. They are written in my book of life. 

30th May, 2014

Pretty colors, pink and turquoise. 

There are certain things, that a heart can never understand,
due to the true nature of the heart. 
The heart is like a child, 
that asks its mother, why is there a war?
People can rationalize and reason,
in every season. 
Yet, they still carry on as before the Tor. 

While I dream of walking on the seashore, 
holding hands with the poor. 
I look at the sun and bright blue sky,
drifting along, leaving the past behind.

For the new horizon awaits and the new to find. 
Precious gems of every kind.
The beautiful silence is like a chime that sings. 
A breath in the still air, holding a care to share. 
With everything fair, for the perfect pair. 

Rose blossoms and petals too.
Laid at your feet, and upon a sheet, that says live.
For you I keep, like a tender lamb among the sheep.
Why Meryl Streep, why? 

Did you choose the love of power, or the power of love?

Robert Wilkinson shares about the redefining that has been going on since 2013. Jupiter is now 21 degrees in Cancer and from here we move on. As we know, Jupiter is the planet of expansion, and cancer the crab did appear in one of the eclipse paintings. The crab is well known for moving sideways, and that is exactly what the new forum has done.  Crabs like to bury themselves in the sand, and many Americans are like that in many ways.


I'm ready for the new are you?  Being born in the year of the horse, my direction is straight ahead in the power of love. My Jupiter is in Gemini, the communicator, and so is my moon sign.  Plenty of gemini in my birth chart. Hence, my expansion is on the home front, and communication with the people, of and from our nation. 

So even though I have the moon under my feet, I still have the communicator with Jupiter and there will be an expansion of communications with people in the UK again, once I get this computer fixed, or a re-conditioned one. I have to get my Mac techie to look at it.  In the meantime, I am looking forward to the Derby and Ladies Day on this blessed Island. 


'Aquarius: Jupiter is trine to your Sun Sign and this is very positive generally. Success in endeavors especially in education or higher learning, creative pursuits and also in love relations. If you are single, then Jupiter here blesses to have someone in your life. At this time your creative self expression grows as never before.'

I've started sorting out the paintings, which ones can be auctioned, and which ones can be given away for free. We could have a lucky dip for charity, and put ribbon around them. That would be sweet. So what charity would I choose this year? I would choose the 'riding for the disabled', in this year of the horse. Children love horses, and this week when I was in the surgery, a little girl was reading her pony magazine.  There was also a disabled child in a wheelchair. 

So what's for dinner? I've decided I am in love with dill, so lots of salad, dill, some smoked salmon pieces and french bread.  Seriously, I can eat dill all on its own.  It tastes delicious. 

If Robert in the UK reads this post, two paintings and the meditation is now packaged up, ready to go off to the post office next week. The painting for Holland, 'spiritual path of mashiach' is also ready to go. So next week beloveds, next week, anticipate an arrival of the originals. 

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