
Sunday 27 April 2014

Spiced Coconut Noodles and Goujons

Well what's for dinner? Its emergency supplies. So I shall have a dish with spiced coconut. I always have plenty of spices that are healthy for us.

In the pan goes the following:

3 teaspoons of unrefined coconut oil.
3 large segments of garlic, sliced.
2 large teaspoons of ginger paste.
4 cardamon
Sprinkle of ground cumin, ground coriander, and turmeric.
Ground hot red chill pepper to suit your taste, a sprinkle is enough.
Dash of soya sauce.
Half a tablespoon of sugar.
Rock salt and ground black pepper to taste.

Fry a couple of handfuls of chopped onions in the spices on a low heat, nice and slow.  While cooking add a mug of water. When the onions are soft you can add the following to simmer, in the following order.

Just over half a tin of coconut milk.
2 large tablespoons of desiccated coconut. (If you have it)
1 tablespoon of honey.
3 small new potatoes thinly sliced.

When the potatoes are soft, you can then add a few sultana's for extra flavor, nutrients and texture.

Then add noodles of your choice and cover the noodles in the thick sauce. A couple of nests are enough in that amount of sauce. Then add a little more coconut milk poured over the noodles. While the noodles are simmering, you can then cook the fish goujons to go with it.

As I still have a little drop of coconut milk left, I've put a good heap of dried oregano in it, with some lemon Jif for covering the fish pieces. Then cover the pieces in homemade breadcrumbs. If I had some fresh lemon I would use that instead. However, we have to make do, with what we've got.

I am now frying the fish goujons in a tablespoon of unrefined palm oil.

Dinner is looking good for an emergency meal.

Now he's talking about the 'barn'.

So let's have a crispy tortilla to go with it. That can go in the oven while the noodles are being kept warm.

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