
Wednesday 9 April 2014


Yesterday began with Psalm 121, the confirmation of how the LORD keeps his word. How he takes care of his foot and is the shade for his right hand. In the ancient pictographs, the pictograph for the hand also has the arm.  What shade is my right arm? Do you know? It is as white as snow.

That was followed by the  LORD saying, 'Felicity has crumbled', and it was made clear that it was to do with the USA, and it relates to what George Washington had said about 'magnanimous policy'.

The happiness of the USA has certainly 'crumbled' during the Obama administration, and an American wrote a brilliant article yesterday. It was titled, 'We are coming for you'. The article mentioned how America, and Americans, were warned six years ago, about what was coming upon its nation. No coincidence that I am in a six year in my life cycle.

This morning when I woke up, the LORD brought the American situation to my attention, and then he spoke to me in Hebrew. He said, 'Natash', I looked to see where the word could be found in the biblical prophecies, and it is found in the prophecy delivered by Hosea in chapter 12.

'A merchant, in whose hands are false balances, He loves to oppress. And Ephraim said, "Surely I have become rich, I have found wealth for myself; In all my labors they will find in me No  iniquity, which would be sin." But I have been the LORD your God since the land of Egypt; I will make you live in tents again, As in the days of the appointed festival. I have also spoken to the prophets,  And I gave numerous visions, And through the prophets I gave parables.  Is there iniquity in Gilead? Surely they are worthless. In Gilgal they sacrifice bulls, Yes, their altars are like the stone heaps Beside the furrows of the field. Now Jacob fled to the land  of Aram, And Israel worked for a wife, And for a wife he kept sheep. But by a prophet the LORD brought Israel from Egypt, And by a prophet he was kept. Ephraim has provoked to bitter anger; So his Lord will leave his bloodguilt on him, And bring back his reproach to him.' 

The prophecy of Hosea predicts that the nation is under divine judgement, due to 'rejecting' reformation that could save them, and as we know Ephraim is symbolic of the Christians. In 2012, the paint was spread for an American Christian leader. 

A. Clarke wrote of the prophecy in this way. 

'I have used every means, and employed every method, to instruct and save you. I have sent prophets, who spake plainly, exhorting, warning, and beseeching you to return to me. They have had Divine visions, which they have declared and interpreted. They have used similitudes, symbols, metaphors, allegories, bring you back to your duty and interest'.  

'Dr. Dodd supposes that there are three distinct kinds of prophecy mentioned here: 1. Immediate inspiration, when God declares the very words. 2. Vision; a representation of external objects to the mind, in as lively a manner as if they were conveyed by the senses. 3. Parables and apt resemblances'. 

'Their altars are as heaps
'They occur everywhere. The whole land is given to idolatry.'

New Dawn Rising posted on this blog last week, that he too had received a message, that there would be 'pangs sevenfold'. Truly for his nation, it is the karma of the spiritual law for what they have done. Truly he was warned years ago, what would happen if they carried on in the same way. 

Was he truly faithful and vigorous in spreading the testimony of warning to his nation these last six years? Or was he, and his American colleagues 'provoked to bitter anger?' as the prophecy predicted. The message that he received directly, gave him his answer, and Americans are fully aware of the tent cities, that exist in their oh so rich and wealthy nation. He is also aware of Monsanto, and what it has done to the crops of America. 

Let me ask you where was the tsunami of love? Where was the magnanimous love USA, for the true will, and word of the LORD to save you? What and who was stopping you, from embracing the will of the LORD, to help you, when it was so important to do so? 

You must ponder upon this deeply within yourselves, for the time has definitely come, and no longer shall it be at the expense of wisdom, as an American, so kindly wrote. For as the Son of God said, 'Wisdom will be proven right by her words, wisdom will be proven right by her actions. 

Its no coincidence that this is post 26 in April, for 26 is the gematria value of the name of God and the 9th of April is the 'Day of Excess'. Did you enjoy your 'day of excess' America? Was your excess worth it, did 'excess' bring you home to the true will of the LORD? The tent cities, give you, your answer, of how the USA fulfills the prophecy of Hosea 12. It mentions Egypt, and we all know how it was, that Obama made his first public address to the Muslims in Cairo. The 'merchants' mentioned in Hosea 12, are also featured in Rev 18 that is to do with the USA. 

He said of the Americans 'they were all on coke'. 

So what does the Hebrew word 'Natash' mean in the prophecy? 

'So his Lord will leave his bloodguilt'. NAS. 'Most bitterly: shall he leave his blood'. KJV. 

Do you remember Nikki America? Do you Trinity and SHR remember Nikki? Were you merciful to Nikki America? 



  1. I have just seen the news, and there has been a 'bloodbath' at a school in Pittsburgh. 20 people have been 'hurt', due to stabbing. The news report says that it was carried out by a 16 year old 'Sophamore'.

    So what is a 'Sophamore?'. A second year student.

    What can one say in such circumstances as this?

    The LORD did speak of the 'Sad', 'Catalytic event', and 'They will cry'. When I was looking at that painting, that looks like it has blood in it. The information was posted in March on this blog.

    Its a decade ago, that I was shown a 'blood bath' in America, due to what has happened there. I warned a well-known spiritual leader about it, and he said that he had been shown the same.

    The testimony of warning, has been given to America for years, exactly as Isaiah 8 predicted.

    The LORD is also speaking of 'Ezekiel' and he has reincarnated.

  2. Joel 3, 'The LORD will roar from Ziyyon, and thunder from Jerusalem. The earth and the heavens will tremble. But the LORD will be a refuge for his people, a stronghold for the people of Israel. Then you will know that I, the LORD your God, dwell in Ziyyon. My holy hill. Jerusalem will be holy, no longer will foreigners invade her.


  3. The 'green insect' has just arrived again for the fourth time in three days. It is pointing at the word 'USA' and 'Natash Message' on the top.
