
Monday 7 April 2014


Well that which the LORD spoke about on the 13th of March, 2014, manifested yesterday in the public domain. I did wonder how long it would take to manifest. The divine message also helped me to find a connection to the 'she' that he was talking about. I did anticipate that it would be the American Christians that stand against the Jewish people and Israel.

Those that know yours truly, know full well that I have defended Israel actively since the first mission there in 2006. I went there with an open and mind and heart, to see what the LORD chose to reveal to me. It was the same with the USA, I went with an open and loving heart to share. However, how different the nations and cultures are.

Due to what was happening, a blessed young Dutch man came forward to defend by sharing the truth. Did the American Christians respect the truth shared, and apologize when the truth was shared?

Remember what Russia said to America in recent days, 'Stop your tantrums, and crying, do yoga instead'. 

Remember what Clinton said in 2010. 'America is losing the information war'. 

This man explains why he left the African-Americans who claim to be 'Hebrew Israelites'.

Does he know the truth bless him, words have vibration is true. 
Does he know what Jerusalem means? 

Magnanimous love will prevail, the immovable rock of love exists and there is nothing that anyone can do to move it. Only the LORD himself, can move ELI ZIYYON, when he chooses to do so, and this month is the Cardinal Grand Cross with four planets that are pulling in opposite directions. Hence, it is important that the elect be the still point of peace, the anchorites of the light, with their light on the stand, that lights up the whole house.

When I looked at my light on the stand in my bedroom the other night, it looked like it had become four times larger in width. That was a good sign to me, for the lamp is in the direction of the South, it means our people have gained in strength, and multiplied in their clairvoyance and spiritual aspects of it. The Queen of the South.

As the Son of God once said to yours truly, 'You are the flame of love, that purifies whatever stands in the way of oneness with God'. That was prior to, the heavenly Father revealing the prophecy about the flame of Joseph.

The bed covering mentioned in the proverbs 

So with the planetary configuration, it is bound to be concerning times for those that live in a foreign world. When I speak of a foreign world, I speak of it in terms of a world, that is alien to peace and happiness. Resplendent peace that can only be found within. There are times in your life, when you have no wish to be a part of a world, that is foreign to you. Especially after you have found the sanctity of true peace that sustains your being with its light and serenity. I liked the film of Queen Ester and her serenity, such a big job she had to help her people.

How interesting that this video shares that 'Haman' was a descendent of Esau, just like some of the Americans that were in the public domain last night.

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