
Wednesday 2 April 2014


Yesterday, we had 'Arise, Hour Glass Review', and it mentions Julian Assange.

Then we had the 'Holy Grail', 'Ten Homers', and 'Frankie Knuckles RIP'.

On the 1st April, 2014, the heavenly Father also spoke of 'Benedict'. I was given a rare headache, and I experienced 'water up the nose', and that is usually to do with planes. About a week ago, I posted that fresh Green Chili's' are on the menu.

Last night, I shared the message, 'O Benedict' and an article with a photograph of wedding cake. There are two pieces of cake, one piece has the pope Benedict on it, the other piece as Jesus on it. The article is called 'How Pope Benedict unwittingly made the Catholic case for conscious uncoupling'.

I asked, 'promise you won't put me on top of a cake'.

Now today, the BBC report that there has been an 8.2 earthquake in Chile. Looks like we have what is known as a 'Green Chile Benedict', although I don't fancy eating that, I don't like the look of it.

Remember this painting that came in prior to the changeover of the popes? The paint was spread for the Amazon. I do like this painting, I feel its one of the most powerful out of all of them.

I've just seen a white light shine on my right hand, that means what I have written is correct.

'The LORD bless you and keep you, the LORD make his face shine on you, and be gracious to you. The LORD lift up his countenance on you, and give you peace'. Numbers 6:25


  1. That is a wonderful painting Eli.

    I had to have a wisdom tooth pulled yesterday. I missed work yesterday and today, been very ill. But last night i had a dream, and heard the most glorious music. Then the words "pangs return 7 fold". I awake soaked in sweat, and thought it was just a dream induced by the pain and being over heated. Then i heard about Chili. It seems an uptick is in the works. Hope all is well Eli, much love sent your way. Hugs ♥

  2. Thank you for sharing. Sorry to hear that you have had to have a wisdom tooth extracted. Do you clean your teeth with coconut oil yet? Thank you for sharing about your dream. 'pangs return 7 fold', I comprehend. Remember you wrote that there was sadness coming to my heart? It happened today, and it is related to the numeric of seven and seven-eight weeks. Something that my son didn't do eight weeks ago, as now had a 'detrimental' impact. In a way, its a bit like the 'hoody dream', nothing could deter him. So I am now back to where I was prior to Christmas due to his actions that have impacted on my life.

    I also spoke to him about his teeth today as well due to him not looking after them, as I did when he was growing up.

    Big hugs are certainly required at this time.

    Last week, in the bathroom, a rack came off of the wall. He went straight on a little candle light that my son had bought for me some years ago. On the glass it had the word, 'Happiness'. The happiness was smashed, a sign from Spirit, giving me advance warning of what was coming. Today, the truth came to light and it did bring sadness to my heart as you had written.

    Glad that you like the painting. You may remember that I also posted last week, beam me up LORD, get me out of here! Hugs ♥

    I hope that you recover quickly from your wisdom tooth extraction, new dawn rising, be gentle with yourself, it can take weeks to full cover from it. I can honestly say it took my body three months to recover from a back tooth extraction and I know have another one extracted.

    Take good care of yourself, if you have some lavender oil, you an put that around the jaw line, face and hair line. Also around the ears as well.

    I also recommend drinking and gargling with pink salt.

  3. Interesting that the word 'pangs' is mentioned in Isaiah 21.

    In the Greek Lexicon, the Greek word for 'pangs', is tranlisterated as 'ODIN'.

    In Hebrew it is 'Chebel', and it means 'cord', 'rope', or 'band'. As the word 'pangs' is usually written in context to be like a woman in labour. It is clearly to do with a situation whereby the cord is around the neck of the child. Hence, 'pangs return 7 fold', indicate that there is 'cords return 7 fold' and you said that you heard that after the glorious music.

    Sounds like music making and as the LORD said, 'This is going to rock the music industry'.

  4. As we know, 7 is also to do with musical chords.

  5. 2nd earthquake 7.6. in Chile.

  6. Newdawnrising wrote, "pangs return 7 fold". News today, the seventh child has died in Baltimore, USA. The child was only 14 years old. How can anyone in America be happy when situations like that happen every single day. How can they eat a meal, drink a drink, or sit and watch TV? How can they live in that nation?
