
Monday 21 April 2014

Gotcha Mandala

This mandala is for 'Gotcha', and the paint was spread over the Easter holidays, 2014. The centre of the mandala is a flower and bright rose pink and fire red and while painting, I connected with Mary that is in his heart. Around that I see a golden sunflower, and incredible Christos energy. The two energies together are beautiful and they remind me of the hymn, all things bright and beautiful.  

This person has had a lot of life experience, and thoughts of invasion of his privacy, and the privacy of his nation do come to his mind, there is a lot that concerns him.  There are beautiful feathers of the golden eagle with him, and lots of orange energy for the calcium. Organic food is important for him, also plenty of fresh air in nature, and in the sunshine. Foods and fruits with this coloring are healthy for him, also good colors for him to wear. I highly recommend that he eats plums.

There were four situations in his life that still require some healing, and I feel that he knows what they are. Around him I see rubies and garnets, and they are symbolic of all the people that he has loved in his life. Friends, family, and other connections that have brought a richness of love to this person. His plate is full, although he could do with some cleansing. His awareness is blossoming in the bloom of the sunflower, a seed that grew tall. He's aware what can impact on his being, and the being of others. I see some golden hearts in the painting, hearts that glisten and are true.

'Gold there is, and rubies in abundance, but lips that speak knowledge are a rare jewel'. Proverbs 20:15.

'I will make your battlements of rubies, your gates of sparkling jewels, and all your walls of precious stones.' Isaiah 54:12 

Some of the finest rubies come from the US. 'Ruby is an emblem of affection, passion, power, and a majesty that removes obstacles and promotes tranquility. It cheers the wearer, controls the passions, and reconciles arguments. It helps to clear the mind of any negative thoughts, intuition is advanced, Ruby is also good for ears, eyes, nose, pituitary, and spleen. Ruby is connected to the heart, and is considered to be a master gem in this regard'. You can read more about Ruby, how it can aid health, how you can make a gem elixir to drink. 'Gem Elixirs and Vibrational Healing', by Gurudas. 

Balance, fairness and justice is essential for this person, and they feel that they have to know about all sides, prior to making a serious decision about anything. I feel strong Libra energy with this person, and when they take action they do so energetically, in thought, word, and deed.

Patient endurance, are key words for this person, and in his heart he knows, that patience in every situation, is essential to solve any matter. Healing is like that too, it requires patience beyond measure, and that is also where the endurance comes in. Endurance that strengthens us in every aspect of patience, in many different realities. Patience in thought, word, and deed, is character building.

This person knows what's it like to feel surrounded, when I was looking at the painting, I felt that in the person's heart, there is the teacher, and that its time to go forward, and teach the power of love dauntlessly.

My very best wishes to you, and thank you.

Israel celebrate the love that came in the morning, and the faithfulness that came in the evening. The two instruments together that have a resounding impact on the third. That relates to the prophecy in Psalm 92, and it is a psalm that is important for people to comprehend.

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