
Sunday 27 April 2014

Golden Flower Ring

On Thursday I wrote of how I had seen the energy of what looked like the outer rim of a flower in gold sparkling with diamonds. It appeared on my right side between my right eye, and the computer while I was writing on the blog. This is like what I saw. However, it looked like one flower.

This ring was designed by Adina Reyter. 

In spiritual symbology, the golden ring can have many different meanings. It can indicate a new state of union, completeness, and fulfillment. In this case it can signify eternity, like an eternity ring that has diamonds all around it. It can signify acceptance and favor of a spiritual marriage and union. 

Gold has a quality of sacredness, incorruptibility, nobility and honor. In Chinese alchemy it can be the essence of the heavens. In Christianity, it represents pure light, spiritual treasure given by Jesus himself, when there has been triumph over adversity. Immortal gladness gifted to the overcomer, that walked the path of moshiach. It represents a divine celebration, of a significant event in the life of the receiver, and a time of receiving divine blessings. 

If and when there is a flower in the ring it can denote the blessed and blessings in abundance.

In Mexico, Xochiquetzal was the goddess of flowers.

In Taoism, the golden flower is the crystallization of light, the Tao, the attainment of immortality. Hence, you can find it in different cultures spirituality. 

An eternity ring is symbolic of 'never-ending love'. In England, they're often given to the wife after she has given birth to a child or children, it signifies the husbands gladness and happiness.  A husband usually gives an eternity ring to his wife, on a significant anniversary, and 2014 is a seven year. 14 = 7 x 2. Seven is the life number of the spiritual teacher. 

It honors the years that we have worked together in sacred union during this new millennium, it honors the divine experiences of the life, that led up to this reality manifesting this blog.  The 21st century was born in her wisdom. 

There is a temple in Egypt called, Kom Ombo. 
It is written that the temple was once used as a church by the Copts. 

Interesting that there is a link with Kom Ombo and Pope John Paul II. 
So what was Jesus doing in the location, and what do the Copts know about it?

In this link, you can see some better views of it. It mentions the reliefs showing the foundation of the temple with Sheshat, the goddess of writing, a scribe, that was responsible for the library of writings. She was also called, 'Sister. 

It  mentions 2,000 years ago, and surgical instruments. Interesting that the verse of the day is about the 'Son of Man', and how he came to seek. Luke 19:10. 

It is written that the temple was built in approximately, 180BC, so in timeline, we are in very close proximity to when the scribes and mystics went to southern Israel in around 150BC. 

Hence, they were clearly hoping that the person that was promised to Moses was coming, hence the name of the temple itself. However, the revelation given to King David, indicated that the person that had been predicted first, would come second. Psalm 92. Hence, it's no surprise that the Lute of Lovingkindness went to the healing temple with the name of Kom. 

I suggest that the archaeologists and Egyptologists re-examine the site, in light of what is being shared. 

'The main sight at Kom Ombo is the beautiful Outer Hypostyle Hall, with 15 thick columns topped with floral capitals and a cornice decorated with carved winged sun-discs. The bases of the columns bear the heraldic lily of Upper Egypt and the papyrus symbol of the Nile Delta.'  

'The second vestibule is the Hall of Offerings; only priests were admitted here. The chamber on the right was used to store vestments and sacred texts.'  Originally it had a birth house, and it is one of the  healing temples. Hence the texts, would've included texts about healing disciplines and methodology.

So is the golden flower ring anything to do with the prophecy of Isaiah? 

In that day the LORD Almighty will be a glorious crown, a beautiful wreath for the remnant of his people. He will be a spirit of justice, to the one that sits in judgement, A source of strength to those that turn back the battle at the gate. Isaiah 28:5.

"See I lay a stone in Zion, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone for a sure foundation'. 

"All this comes from the LORD Almighty, whose plan is wonderful, whose wisdom is magnificent'. 

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