
Monday 14 April 2014



This painting was done for a lady that I know in 2013. 

I hope to see her again this forthcoming Easter holidays. 

When I woke up today I was having a dream, and I was in a place that I know, with my ex-husband and it is in the place that is known as a gate. We both had our faces looking at the concrete ground, then a bus was coming, and he ran to stop the bus so we could get on it.

While I was getting up, my name was spoken three times.

The man's voice then said, 'get it, get it, get it'.

I know where that bus goes, I also know why I was given the name and what it means.

Interesting that in chapter 22 of the book of Deuteronomy, it is written, 
'Help the owner get it to its feet'. Deu 22:4

Oh those Lotus Feet 


'She gets up while it is still night; she provides food for her family 
and portions for her female servants.'  Proverbs 31:15. 

Prophecy fulfilled. 

"it will not hurt them at all; 
they will place their hands on sick people, 
and they will get well.”
 Mark 16:18 

Prophecy fulfilled. 

Such is the facts of a miracle worker. 
 that lived in trustful faithfulness, to lovingkindness. 

She was blessed with his Spirit, so that she could bless others. 

He favored her, so that she could favor others. 

He chose her, she lived in integrity, and could recognize talent. 

He blessed her with his Spirit, 
she was worthy to help his healers,
 that were worthy of his Spirit. 

He blessed her financially, so that she could help his healers, 
their careers as healers, were worthy to be blessed. 

He blessed her to teach, how to love magnanimously. 

He blessed her righteousness, compassion and mercy. 

He blessed the flame of Joseph, 

He loves her beyond measure. 

He blessed her humble heart that mourned for the people. 

He blessed her with divine words, collected sayings. 

He blessed her with divine teachings, 
his counsel and wisdom. 

He blessed her with every move she made. 

He blessed her with spiritual experiences beyond measure. 

He blessed her with a beautiful son. 

He blessed her trust in him beyond measure. 

He blessed her faithfulness and loyalty. 

He blessed her feet, hands and face. 

He stroked her hair. 

He blessed her pure heart. 

He blessed her with his awesomeness and perfect love. 

He blessed her with wholeness and resplendent peace. 

He blessed her with miracles. 

He blessed her devotion. 

He blessed her for giving her life to him. 

He blessed her being noble in holiness. 

He blessed her when she put her light on the lamp stand. 

He blessed her when she lit up the house. 

He prayed to the heavenly Father to send her. 

He blessed her with his Spirit. 

He blessed the engagements and missions abroad. 

He blessed her charitable works. 

He blessed her and the widows son. 

He blessed the song that she sung. 

He blessed every cheerful smile on her face. 

He blessed the divine testimony that she was sent to deliver. 

He blessed her communication, and presentation of it. 

A blessed journey such as this. 

Blessings in abundance 


  1. Today I had a dream of a bus. Now there is news of a bus blast in Nigeria.

    Nigeria violence: More than 70 killed in Abuja bus blast

    The station was packed with rush hour commuters at the time of the blasts, as Will Ross reports

    More than 70 people have been killed in a bomb blast at a crowded bus station on the outskirts of Nigeria's capital, Abuja, officials say.

  2. CONCRETE, London. Construction worker in London's Grosvenor Square, as died due to building collapse.
