
Monday 28 April 2014


While cooking supper the heavenly Father spoke of the 'Barn', and that always reminds me of when he asked me to bring the wheat into the barn. That was when we began working with the crop circles, to show a different way of looking at them and what they can mean.

Then just before I looked at the crop circle connector website, he said, 'Elia', calling my attention again.

The first crop circle of the year in the UK has been at Brimslade Farm, nr Wootton Rivers, so check it out in this video. Everyone in the crop circle community looks forward to the first intricate, and unique crop circle of the season. Never mind, we have this one to kick off the season, and it was reported on the 16th April, 2014. Just after the Ezekiel Total Lunar Eclipse.

The 16th of April, was the 'Day of Comedy'. Big smiles, and the crop circle looks like lift off, like a spaceship, or capstone. That then reminds me of the painting with the golden capstone in it, that came after this crop circle.

Locations of crop circles are important, and 'Wootton' has a 'ton' in it, as such it is to do with the spiritual law of 100, and that is mentioned in the NT. No surprise then that there has been a lot of media coverage on the Church, since the eclipse and when this crop circle arrived.

Again we are with the rivers. 

Crop circles, especially those in the UK, have become an aspect of spiritual history in this country that is celebrated by many. The best ones, even make the national media, and videos and pictures of them get circulated around the world. Plus there are conferences, seminars and documentaries as well, that attract people from abroad, to come and visit us here in the UK.  So we look forward to a good season, in this year of the horse, in our beautiful English countryside.

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