
Wednesday 30 April 2014


If Brits have got any common sense they will boycott the SUBWAY, sandwich shops. The Daily Mail reports that 185 branches across the UK and Ireland now sell halal-only meat. They also claim that ham and bacon has been removed from 200 stores due to 'strong demand' from Muslims.

No surprise then that its an American company on British shores. In fact, they're in 106 countries with 37,000 locations. They're another franchise operation. So if you boycott individual branches, the message will get home to the franchises.

Protest at a store in Sunderland, UK in 2012.

In the writings on this recent solar eclipse, I did predict that the 'pig' would be in the news. In addition, to the pig appearing in two of the paintings related to this ring of fire solar eclipse. Hence, Subway is in the ring of fire.

Christianvoice UK

Asda, another American owned corporation.

Just  checked out to see what Christian voice are saying in their updates, and he is calling to the Church in the UK for a prophetic voice. Big smiles! That's synchronicity and divine providence. 

Looking at the Christianvoice blog, it looks like he requires some education on the revelation of Isaiah, and the teachings of the Lute of Lovingkindness about what is now known as the gay community. As we know Isaiah predicted that they would be given a new name and they were. In scripture it is also written that Jesus said that some are born like it, and some were made like it by men, he asked his followers to accept them, if they could do so. Did the Church teach that to their congregations in England and abroad? 

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