
Thursday 27 March 2014

Vision - New World Monkey's Fulfilled

'On the 2nd of April, 2009, I received a vision of a monkey that looked like it was half orangatan and half chimpanzee with the face of Obama, his arms were swinging! Behind Obama was Gordon Brown and behind him the other monkeys followed. In the vision it was clear that Obama was the pied piper of these monkeys.'  They looked like 'Capuchin Monkeys' and they're also called New World Monkeys'.

Now the Belguim media have featured a picture of Obama and Michelle as Monkeys in advance of they're visit there.

Dare I say it, the LORD was right again! I wonder if the LORD was talking about Michelle, when he said, 'She's going to go berserk'.

The next G20 summit is in November in Brisbane, Australia on the 15th and 16th. Wonder if the 8 year budget plan will be discussed, as it was Australia that backed India with it! 

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