
Sunday 30 March 2014

TRUST and the Angels

The two children are questioned, and one of the children asks what is greater than good? The reply is love. In scripture, it is written that Jesus refused to accept being called, 'good'. The Greek word that is often translated as 'good', actually means 'excellent', so why did he not wish to be called, 'Christ? Or Christos?

In the teachings of Plato he called his students Christos, when they responded to him in an excellent way. So as far as the words of Jesus are concerned in the scripture, there is none, but the heavenly Father that is excellent in all that he does.

The story in the Kung Fu video tells us that the children trusted a man, that they met on the way, and he took everything from them. Just like it is written in the NT in respect of Jesus. I've often written that the Vatican set up the people, due to the biblical prophecies that pertain to it. Is that what is being imparted in this Kung Fu video?

Did they truly trust in lovingkindness and know his true name and nature?  What about the meaning of Maitreya being lovingkindness, or that Amos 8 mentions the Buddhists?

Did you trust the spiritual journey and go all of the way? Did you trust those that were brought to you, were those that were brought to you trustful? Were they truly loyal and trustworthy, no matter what your condition or state of being? Did they trust you because you were ever loving towards them, always there for them, or for what you could provide for them? Always giving, and giving.

I once shared my home with a gay medium, and he once warned me about people, and he said that some people will come into your life, because of who you are, and what you can do for them. After that there was a woman, that kept on turning up on my doorstep.

In 2007, Jesus gave me important instruction. 'Ask them what they can do for you, not what you can do for them'.

What of those that ceased trusting? What of those that ceased trusting, then gained their trust again?

As I shared with students many years ago, 'trust is like building a successful company, it doesn't happen in a single day'.  Did any one of them trust enough, to come to know all that I know? No, not one of them. Was it any different for the Lute of Lovingkindness? Didn't he say, there was nowhere he could lay down his head?

People came to collect the lanterns of light, for what they felt that they required. People came for healing, divine teaching, wisdom, divine guidance, and sometimes for miracles. Like returning to the lovingkindness, and Harp of Faithfulness that loved them beyond measure, every time they were at a crossroads, and wished to see their way forward.

Like the children in the video, so were many of the students, like little children. Especially, the ones that hadn't done the 'inner child' healing work, that is essential for ascension. I did not ask of anyone, what I had not been willing to do myself. It was due to my own self-healing journey, that I learned so much about what works and what doesn't.

It was through that spiritual journey, that I lived the true teachings of salvation that provides ascension, that Jesus and the Jewish prophets had taught. It was through that journey, that I came to completion of truth, and wholeness of it. I was divinely led, just as I am divinely guided, most days of my life.

It was through that divine spiritual journey, that the keys of the kingdom for healing consciousness were bestowed upon me. Every time I made a breakthrough, I was given another key, the keys were my reward, for all the effort and sheer hard work that had been implemented.

Jesus ensured, that there wasn't a single person, that could take the crown. For he himself had given it, and placed yours truly upon the throne with him. As the book of Revelation says, 'Don't let anyone take your crown'.

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