
Thursday 6 March 2014

Spiral Galaxy 'Torn Apart'.

The first picture of this Spiral Galaxy being 'torn apart' is interesting, if you look at the brown and the shape that you can see clearly. It looks like a brown dog with a white nose.

'The spiral galaxy is named ESO 137-001 and it is written that it is 'being torn apart and this event has been captured by the Hubble Space Telescope as it gets ripped to shreds by the Norma Cluster. Called Galaxy cluster Abell 3627, it contains either hundreds or thousands of galaxies that are being held together by gravity and when the two cosmic entities collided, ESO 137-001 never stood a chance. A rather unusual region of space called the Great Attractor lies near the Norma Cluster and has actually been pulling the Virgo Cluster and many other galaxy clusters including Earth's very own milky way towards the anomaly.'

Now you would think that after all this time, with all of their technology, the scientists would know the difference between whether there are hundreds or thousands.  There is a huge difference in the numerics that they're stating. Can what they say be trusted?

Truly, the article on the science must be a message for America, from Americans to Americans. However, look what the LORD is saying in response.

The heavenly Father said, 'A new bed is required' and 'They're putting something in the h/ash'.

Is cosmology your pet subject?

I just put 'bed' and 'cosmology' in the search engine, and this link came up with some interesting information.

Journal of Cosmology, 2010, Vol 12, 3778-3780., October-November, 2010
Effects of Long-Duration Spaceflight, Microgravity,
and Radiation on the
Neuromuscular, Sensorimotor, and Skeletal Systems

1 comment:

  1. Just seen the news and it seems that a man that went by the name of Galaxy has passed over with cancer. While I was reading about it, I was given spiritual law.
