
Sunday 16 March 2014

Raccoon and Centurion

Connecting up with people, that you've had past life connections with can be fascinating. You are able to locate your parents, your family, loved ones and children from those lifetimes. They usually come into your soul groups for a reason and a season. Following on from the 'Recoo' message from the LORD given recently.

Let's continue with what the journey reveals to us. 'Recoo' reminds me of the 'Racoon', in Native American culture. [1] And we have been discussing the past life of Native American, 'White Dove', with a soul that found her, after her Spirit had left her body. It also looks like we have found at least one of her two children, that died in the snow on the snowy mountains, when her husband went off hunting for food.

I am not surprised that this painting is in the shape of a tear, for this man cried many tears, when he found her body, and the graves of the children. She was very beautiful, when she was young, she was also very coy and shy. Has she matured, she became an empowered woman, and she earned the respect of the Indian chiefs and elders.

The man who found her body, lived in cabins ever since. His hope was that she would return to find her children's burial ground, and when she did, she would find him.

Its no coincidence that in 2006, I stayed in log cabins in Israel, and it had a wonderful feeling of joyousness to sleep in a log cabin again. That is the only time, I have ever slept in a log cabin, this lifetime.

There are Native American legends and stories about the 'Raccoons' and they always look so sweet to me, and make me laugh, especially, the way that they stand on their hind legs with their little hands.  There is the 'Azban Racoon' story of how he 'loses a shouting match with a waterfall'. Big smiles!

The adventures of the raccoon, the Algonquian stories of what he gets up to. The Sioux legend of his involvement with a colony of bees. [2] However, I was drawn to read the story of 'the Last track' and it speaks of a raccoon that was found, its a lovely story of what happened, and how the baby was found. [3]

On the 21st February, 2011, I was given a vision of a 'Raccoon' that was in front of me, looking at me. The post mentions how the 'raccoon' has the energy of 20 with it, and that is to do with 'judgement'.

After the vision of the 'raccoon', I was then shown a vision of a centurion in silver armor, with white feathers and he was looking left. [4] Now feathers also relate to the biblical prophecy about the feathers, and I remember discussing the feather prophecy in 2013, with a young American healer. Maybe its time I do a mandala painting for him. From divine experience I know that the Centurion with white feathers is a gatekeeper, and he does have an important mission on the planet.

As I am posting the song on 'White Feather', I am being given the name 'Lisa'. Apparently, the name 'Lisa', means 'God's promise'. There is a Japanese singer with the name of LISA.






  1. Another aspect to this is that the RAB, the Son of Joseph bought his wife Lily a long 'Raccoon Coat'. She made sure that I found it, after she passed over, and she was guiding me on what she wished for to have. She passed over in 2005, prior to the first mission to Israel in 2006.

    Every winter since when it is very cold, I have worn her elegant coat. Although I would never buy a real fur coat, I do embrace, preserving what already exists. The coat did exist and still does, and it keeps me very warm, when it is very cold. I've never like the cold, even as a child, and it surely is past life.

    It was on the first mission to Israel that I stayed in the log cabins in Northern Israel.

    Raccoon has the numeric of 20, and it is to do with judgement and the judgment began in 2010 after the sign of Jonah arrived in Israel. The great whale arrived in Israeli waters. The flotilla disaster happened afterwards, and it was followed by 5 million trees burning to the ground on Mount Carmel. One tree for every Jewish person living in Israel.

    I know who the 'raccoon' is from the vision that was given.
