
Friday 14 March 2014


After I made the last post about the 'SXSW Austin Messages'.

The LORD spoke and he said, 'Mahshaya' the nearest to it in Sanscrit is 'Mahasaya' and it can mean 'great teacher'. When the LORD honors you, and the work that you do in service to him, it is incredibly humbling. He doesn't say such things very often. However, when he does so, you know that he really means it. So who is this Mahshaya that he speaks on this Jewish holiday of 'Purim'? Is it yours truly, or does he speak of someone else? Does he speak of a man or a woman? Is he speaking of both?

He did speak of another woman, and he said, 'She is going to go berserk'.

In reference to the announcement on my birthday in February, today he said, 'This is going to rock the music industry'.

There is a criteria for a 'great teacher' in a spiritual sense, there is a criteria that can be found in Indian spirituality.

A great teacher is known to be a 'sage' with a full comprehension of victory over words. A dear friend, an anthropologist, Michael, referred to it as 'Alchemy of the Word' and it is to do with spiritual alchemy in its purest sense for healing purposes. It is a person that refines and purifies every step of the way, to ensure that it is clear for others to see the light. To feel it, to hold it, to know it for themselves.

They personify the spiritual law in everything that they do. In Indian spirituality that is referred to as the 'Dharma'. There is a story that Bharatha waited for an auspicious time, and when he saw his teacher that they had 'matted hair'. That was all part of the selflessness, how long could you be with that situation? I must admit, I didn't count the days of matted hair.

When the initiation of the 'matted hair' was completed, the LORD showed me when. Then the hair was washed, what couldn't be combed, was simply cut away. For what did I care for hair when there are children dying and starving in the world today? I simply had to continue with the will of the LORD, for his will, I was born to fulfill.

In the Indian texts, of which I have provided you an example, it mentions a 'deer which is very pretty, and that it would create a sense of wonder'. Is that why she was called the 'wondrous woman from heaven in the biblical prophecies? Is that why Solomon spoke of the deer, was he speaking of his teacher?

It speaks of intimate friendship, when you take people to the bosom of your heart, and embrace them in a way that blesses everything that they do.

It is written that a great teacher understands the timelines, the locations, the places. They are patience beyond measure for they comprehend the 'likes and dislikes' of the people. However, they can also turn the sorrow of people into joy. For only a person that has done it for themselves, can indeed, help others to do it for themselves.

'I see Rama who is my lord, who has eyes as pretty as lotus. Is seen by Gandharwas, Sidhas, and Saints. As if it is the rise of their luck'. 

'That lady with an auspicious face, decided to bless the great monkey. Saluted and prayed to God of fire, after making yourself pure. After hearing those words which were meant for good, which would give great results, which were sweet, which were logical, and suitable for past, present and future'. [2] 

During my life I have connected with three people with the name of Ram. There was an Indian businessman in London, and I was invited to his wedding. There was an Australian editor and proprietor of the ELOHIM and 'WAY OF THE HEART' magazines. Then there was an American spiritual leader in the USA that I was sent to meet.

The story that I have given you a link to, mentions the 'king of mountains' and what happened.

It was proven, that a little person such as this, that lives in the joyous love of the Son of God, that lived his word with all of her heart and soul. That delivered the word for the glory of the LORD, saw realities being swept away before her very eyes. The faithful and trustful loyalty was more than a mustard seed, it was the light of her complete being that moved them. In humility before God, and in the presence of his Son, she showed them that she would not, and could not waiver, from her course.

So how do I feel? I feel wholly, as humble, as when I began the journey. I feel that if one person has found their way home, then it has all been worth it. If one person truly learned to live in integrity, than it was worth it. If one person began to honor others, it was worth it. If one person, loved more, than ever before, it was worth it. If one person became a healer on the path to enlightenment it was worth it. I could write reams, of what I feel, in the purest of intention.

I know in my heart that it is the end of an era, and the start of a new one, and my heart is open to the eventuality that the LORD has chosen for me.


  1. New Dawn Rising, you wrote that on my mother's birthday. I saw a video that people are posting today. And when I looked at the word, it did make me smile.

    My right arm looks like it is healing.
