
Saturday 8 March 2014


I went to bed just before dawn, and as soon as I dozed off, I had a dream. When I got to the end of the dream, I couldn't remember the first part of the dream. So I will share with you what I can remember. I was in a building with a very best friend and we were walking down the steps, she was walking in front of me, and reached street level before I did. I had talked to her about a dear friend in Spirit with the name of TRAVIS.

I said to her that I wished that Travis had left us somewhere we could stay, when we were here, and that we could've given the children the payment. In real life, Travis didn't have any children of his own, although he did love the children of a long term girlfriend. Those children are now grown up.

Then I was having a laugh with my friend, and I said to her, 'I will leave the tax man to you' because she is so good at dealing with men. Interesting that one of the children connected with Travis is an accountant.

After that my friend left the dream, I was outside of the building, and it was pouring with rain. I tried to leave, but the rain was too much. I saw the singer, 'Boy George' standing in front of me and he was cuddling a girl by his side. I also saw another well known person, although I didn't recognize who they were, he was tall like Russell Brand and he was standing there with a male friend. There were all sorts of people there just waiting in the rain. I went to my right a few steps, and I saw some big wooded doors open up, and the light coming from it was awesome. Clearly there was going to be some kind of happening.

Then I saw people coming out through the doors, they were actors and actresses, they were enacting the story of Jesus and I saw a large, long table covered in a white tablecloth, that they were siting at.

It was like all of people that were dressed for the play, were floating from a different part of the theatre, into the other part of the theatre. The glow of the candle light that surrounded them was truly awesome,  and they were singing, Jesus Christ, Superstar. So I decided to follow them back into the theatre to watch the show.

The words that they were singing were these.

'Jesus Christ, Superstar, who are you, what are you, that you say you are'. [1]

At the end of the dream, I came to the conclusion that the building that I had been in, was a building for the arts. This is not the first time that I've had a dream that includes that song. Where I live there are different buildings that are utilized by our local theatre. There are also buildings for the arts. My friend in the dream, also has a connection with this broadway show, and its originators. She was given tickets to see the show in London town.

This show is still running after all of these years, it is a hit a major hit, just as the song sings, 'A record breaker'. Although the show has been updated by the originators, and the characters are wearing dreadlocks now. However, the characters in the dream did not have 'dreadlocks', although they did have longish hair.

There is also a 'New Youth Theatre' production of 'Jesus Christ Superstar'. [2]

The new tour of the show kicks off at the 02 arena in London, on Friday the 21st September, and that is known for being 'International Peace Day', in the UN Calendar.

I love the new rainbow logo for the new show, and I did laugh, when I saw the synchronicity of my name and location encoded in the youtube video. It also begins with Z for ZIYYON. Big smiles!

1+5 = 6 and I am in a six year in my life cycle, six points of the 'Star of David'.

7 is to do with the ZAYIN, the hebrew letter that the Jewish sages refer to as the 'woman of valor'.

7 is also my life number, and it is the life number of the spiritual teacher.

How amazing is that, KIM. I did say yesterday, I wonder if its time for my hair to be in rainbow colours. Big smiles.



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