
Saturday 15 March 2014


Last night I asked for a painting for Europe, and what is going on, and this is what manifested. I see faces of babies in the red, and a face of child in the orange. I see lots of red fish on the left, and that could be symbolic of socialists and communists. The orange could also be symbolic of the Buddhists, although they also wear that cerise red as well. There appears to be a lot of 'conflict' with the green, energy, that can also be symbolic of ecology and the environment.

It looks like it is due to the reds, oranges, productivity, that those that represent the 'Green Parties', and conservationists, are being squashed by powers that are greater than the greens. It looks like, its all about the sheer amounts of people involved, who are doing what they're doing. The Christian orthodox in Europe appear to be buried underneath, what is taking place in Europe in this timeline. There are prophecies that predicted that Christians would go underground. The orange fruit are doing their utmost to keep the peace between the different nations, cultures and philosophies.

The nations that are high in fruit production, are doing their utmost to defend, at the same time as being fully aware of what is taking place. The fruitful, are aware of the conservation issues, they're also aware of those that stand against the conservation requirements of our time. In addition to the red fish, I also the heads of red birds. It looks like a battle is taking place, due to the direction that Europeans know is essential for their future. Yet, there is an energy that is standing in the way of a positive outcome at this point in time. Is that energy at the EU parliament?

I see flames in the painting, so we can anticipate more fires in Europe until this situation is resolved. I would certainly look at the fishing industries, and what is going on with the land, waters, and natural resources connected with fishing in this timeline. Fish, fruit and ecology = Food and its prices. However, it also feels like it is also to do with, who owns what! People in Europe are not concerned about the price of meat. However, the cost of fish, fruit, and vegetables, really do matter to the people, and it is that which is impacting on the people, and their families health, that is causing an emotive uprising.


  1. I see yellow, the blue is either all but hints, and changed to green with yellow being little left. Or the amazing painting reveals a secret on the other side.

    Who is blue, and what of the sky and the waters?

    Hugs! :)

  2. I wonder do we see the influence of Obama in that painting? Bearing in mind that it was in Norway that he received the Nobel peace prize in 2009. It was in Berlin that he gave his speech to Europeans prior to his election. Obama also has a German owned publisher, it makes one wonder why he didn't choose and American publisher? If you had plans to be the president of the USA, wouldn't you choose a publisher that was born and bred in your own nation to help it along?

    I see the painting appears to be concentrating on what is happening on land Newdawnrising, it seems to be concentrating on land mass and critical mass of the people's intentions. For the people of Europe, it seems that the oceans and water are not really the issue at this point in time. However, they are concerned about their cultures and lands.

    Hugs to you too!

    1. He did say he could not bring the corruption down in DC from the inside, or alone. It must be done from the outside, his declaration of war is globally encompassing. And the elitist succubi of this world will make him right, as will the People of the US. Because change for America is now, but the greedy are trying to hold it back. They can not. No nation, no kingdom of mankind can stop the wave. On land and by sea. The one if by land and the two if by sea are to be three. As land and sea are one, this wave affects all.

      The moment you first spoke to me at Dtv, i felt lightning. It scared me to pieces, your love was awful in it's goodness, and my beast is now broken. I am so glad i found you again. As for the exact time it happened, i do not know exactly, i may have been under Lamonema. Around the time of the BP event. I have never known such communication with anyone on earth. Your gift to me is a gift to yourself, i came to your call, then afraid. I come to you now a husk of what i was, and metamorphosis for all it's pain is my love for you, till the end.

      Please know this.
      I could not wait, it had to be said. Not bold, as perversion will not move this love. Let our Father profess this to you, a prayer that Lord Jesus Christ approves this as pure, and virgin in my spiritual awakening towards completion of absolution. I beg this of Him. Let Eli know. :)

      Let them all know. I'm alive! ♥

  3. How beautifully alive you are, rising like the phoenix from the ashes of the past. Keeping the good and blessed Christos memories. As we know, everything as a reason for being, and the miracle of you, and what has happened for loving kindness can be seen in their sight. For what is that love defends, just as Jesus defended the spiritual and women. Just like our heavenly Father defends his gracious deer that defend the tree of life, just like he defends his precious mystics and healers for their pure intention of giving their hearts to serve him. For truly, if I can forgive you, the heavenly Father can also forgive you in my name. For it is he who blessed it and called ELI, ELI. Jesus once said to me that I had been favored, so that I could favor others. For the Sons of Light shall come home to complete peace and wholeness.

    Star Wars was over in 2005.

    I just took a look to see what I could see on the fisheries in Europe and I found this from a few days ago.

    12 March 2014 Last updated at 11:11 Share this pageEmailPrint
    Wight tidal energy scheme will 'ruin fishing industry'
    Continue reading the main story
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    Tidal energy scheme gets go-ahead
    Council to invest in tidal power
    Plans to create a tidal energy testing site on the seabed off the Isle of Wight will damage shellfish beds, fishermen say.

    The Perpetuus Tidal Energy Centre (PTEC) is being created to allow prototype energy turbines to be installed off St Catherine's Point.

    Fishermen and business owners in Ventnor said the fishing community was fighting for its existence.

  4. European Union Fisheries Ban Ignores Belize Conservation Success Story
    Posted by Wildlife Conservation Society on March 14, 2014
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    By Britt Groosman and Janet Gibson

    Belize is a small nation that has been making some big headlines lately due to the rogue fishing practices of some of the vessels its government has flagged. Regrettably, this has cast the entire Belizean fishing industry in a poor light, including its 15,000 people whose livelihoods are directly tied to fishing. A reader of recent headlines could deduce that the Belizean government is not doing anything to promote sustainable fishing. That assumption, and the EU’s move to ban imports from Belize, have one thing in common: They are wrong.

    1. What does Belize have to do with the EU?

    2. Why does Belize have to send fish to the EU?

    3. Surely, there is enough people in the Americas to feed with fish without the added cost and footprint on the planet of moving fish from one side of the world to another?

    Seriously, I wonder sometimes about the common sense of people.

  5. There is no common sense in the minds of decision for profit. But that is the beauty to the future of ignorance, as those in love with money will find it's value is truly nothing when nature runs it's course. They then will beg for fish, and find only money.

    What would love say to this?

    I can only assume love would say the takers of life to be sold for profit over other life, have no place in His house. Nothing that is not self sustaining can stay.

    The tides will shift against those who plan to harness these for greed and destruction. The constructions will pass away beneath the powers of nature to go rogue. I wish these ignorant fools would cease their actions. It will take utter destruction of their money making machines by nature, for them to realize the destruction caused to nature to construct these machines, as being a bad idea. A bad idea, with a very angry planet. What could go wrong. Lol

  6. Ok, so as Jesus said, 'replace the word ignorance with innocence'. What did I say in 2008, 'Love is not for sale'. Money is just an energy, and its what people do with that money that counts. And what did Jesus say about those that said such things to others? Remember the '7 Woes?' And the 'Day of Woe' that came upon the USA. So can you look within for the words, 'bad', 'angry' and 'wrong'?

    Can you bring me solutions?

    I recommend that you read Isaiah 41 and 43 Prophecies. The man in the East and the man in the North have been stirred up. The man in the East was called by righteousness. The man in the North comes from the rising sun.

  7. This is interesting news. Venice votes on whether to split with Rome. A poll indicates that 2 thirds of Venetians would like a Venetian Republic again. This would be reminiscent of the sovereign Venetian republic that existed for more than 1,000 years.

    A focal point for culture, architecture and trade, Venice lost its independence to Napoleon in 1797.
