
Tuesday 4 March 2014

Cherub Samuel Starr

In the 'Eccentricity' blog post I wrote about the national healthcare service in the UK, and it is known as the NHS. I just read the story about a child that died due to being in the care of the NHS.

The cost of technology, the cost of a child's life, young Samuel passed over on the 6th September, 2012 and that was the 'Day of Fate'. It is written that the delay in his treatment, was due to a new IT booking system that was being installed in 2011.

On the 19th of November 2011, I had a dream about 'Sam' and a kiss, so I do feel that this is a timing link.  The other day, I was also given a vision of a bird's head, that dissolved into the face of a cosmic baby.

Samuel Starr looks just like a blonde cherub and Psalm 18 mentions the cherub.

'He rode upon a cherub, and flew, and he sped up on wings of the wind'. In a different translation it says, 'He mounted the Cherubim and flew, he soared on the wings of the wind. Smoke rose from his nostrils, consuming fire came from his mouth'. 

In 2009, I saw a vision of two Cherubim kissing each other. [4]

May Samuel Starr rest in peace forever in heaven.

May his parents be comforted in the arms of love, and know that the blessed Samuel, as been blessed.

For the LORD will respond to what they do.

I have been asked why I shared link [4] when I saw the two golden cherubs,  and I asked the Christian if this was serious enough. Eliza-Mae, a six day old baby that was 'mauled to death by two dogs',  on the 18th February, 2014. [5] May the sweet baby also be happy in heaven, and be healed from what she has experienced during her short life on the earth plane.


Psalm 18 and its connection to SAMUEL. [6]







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