
Monday 17 March 2014


On the 21st February, 2011,  I was shown a vision of a centurion in silver armor, with white feathers and he was looking left.  Now feathers also relate to the biblical prophecy about the feathers, and I remember discussing the feather prophecy in 2013, with a young American healer. 

So I here is a painting for the Centurion in silver, with white feathers and what came to be when I spread the paint for Liberty. These mandalas fascinate me and this one is distinctive.  There is a background of white feathers surrounded by the silver grey armor. Blue, black and white feathers. There is also some kind of animal close to this man and it is featured in the mandala itself. It looks like a dog of some kind and it could be his totem animal. If I turn the painting on its side, the animal looks like a grey bird, with a scroll coming out of its head. 

I see a cross of feathers of the four directions, and I see four blades, like one would see on a boat or plane. Flying and sailing would be loved by this man, for he likes adventures. In the centre of the mandala close up it looks like a crab. Hence the sign of cancer is strong with this man. So  although he appears strong in his silver armor, inside his shell, he is as soft hearted as the inside of a crab. His journey is spiritual, and spiritual development is essential for him, for him to feel truly contented and wholesome. 

The blue also indicates that he has a powerful healing journey in the sacred hoop, and the holy mother is encouraging him, and urging him to continue on the healing path. Like the plane that refills and takes off again, like the boat that docks, and then sets sail again, to see new horizons and visit new destinations. The healing journey for self and others is like that. The mandala shows me that he radiates charisma, and a lot of energy, he knows how to keep those blades moving. 

However, it is important to remember that feathers are fragile, sensitive, light to carry. Its easy to be in the feathers, and be surrounded by them. Its important to keep them, see them and comprehend the messages that they bring when they're shown to you. 

From divine experience I know that the Centurion with white feathers is a gatekeeper, and he does have an important mission on the planet. Although it will evolve according to the divine plan of his soul. I feel that it will be later in life, when he will fully comprehend the reason why he has been where he has. When he is older he will comprehend the reason for the path that he has been on and value it highly. In fact, beyond measure.

While I was posting the song above on 'White Feather', I was given the name 'Lisa'. Apparently, the name 'Lisa', means 'God's promise'. There is a Japanese singer with the name of LISA. That tells me that this man has a strong soul link with Japan, and the Japanese healing arts in past lives. Its essential that he develops his healing skills, talents, and faculties to hear and to see more. 

He has the clairvoyant potential, and it can be enhanced in the years to come. However, he has to allow more, and accept more that is meant for him. Truly a spiritual environment is the best environment for this soul and I do see an Angel fish in the painting, as well as a grey whale. So a strong connection with the oceans and conservation of them. How the oceans are impacting on humanity and how humanity are impacting on the oceans and those that live there. 

At this stage of his life, it is important that he also listens to the spiritual elders, for they have much to give him, and offer him. The spiritual generals are here with the wisdom of the experience of their lives, and just wish to pass it forward to the next generation. To help, to assist, with this major transition that humanity is experiencing, in these last days of the end times.

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