
Thursday 6 March 2014


Last night I was discussing life conditions, that impact on the physical body, memories from past lives and this life time. Today when I woke up, I could hardly move or walk.  Joints feel locked in right hip, pains in joints and muscles all down the right side of the body, and lower back. My body feels like it has been 'shot' at, and cellular memory has been triggered for healing. 

Words for the cellular healing are 'You were not there for me'. 'I died because you were not there for me, and your friends wished to kill me'. I am sure that Michael must have felt like that as well when he passed over in 2010. Although, at that time, I felt that I had done everything that I could to help him. 

I am sure that many women can relate that to different times during their lives, in both this modern life and previous life times. Recently I posted how the prophetesses that were referred to as doves, in Ancient Greece, were killed by men. This has happened life time, after life time, to the blessed ones of Spirit. So why didn't the men defend the women, that they knew in their hearts were gentle and tender hearted? Truly the light of magnanimous love, I will be there.

How about the Native American women and what happened to them, their husbands and children? How about what is happening now to the indigenous peoples in the Mayan lands? 

'You were not there for me', is deeply embedded into human consciousness. Didn't the Catholic Jesuits try to kill the life of the tribes and their natural way of being? How about the children in Canada? 

That's like asking why the police force are allowed to treat women the way that they do. No doctor, no solicitor, no statement was allowed. People 'bullied', nervous system and consciousness 'traumatized' all night, paid for by the populous tax payers. Why men stand there and watch it happen, not only to women, but to men and children as well. 

In recent years, I used to wake up feeling like I had been in a 'war zone' all night. How much consideration was given to the fact, that I was bereaved at the time, or that I was going through the transition of menopause, in addition to having a huge spiritual responsibility, to turn their hearts to the children. 

Did they carefully? How many had the courage to defend her during her life, and in past lives? How many truly stood up for her, and defended her the way that she defended others? How many listened and helped Michael when he had no food, and his services were cut off? 

Were you there during the Rev 12 timeline, or how about in the Micah 4 timeline? You knew that ELI ZIYYON was coming, did you look for her? Did you stand there and defend the wondrous woman from heaven and the beautiful healing angels? 

Do you have any comprehension of what humanity have done to the bodies of others, willingly and purposefully? Have you any comprehension of how what people do, impacts on the physical bodies of others? 

It is written in scripture, that if a person stood against the holy Spirit, then they would not be forgiven. Although I was divinely taught that the 'Depth of your forgiveness, determines the depth of your love'. 

My patience has been beyond measure, and the healing of humanity is the intention. I gave it my utmost attention and purest intention. As I heal my cellular memories of what man has done in recent years, so too, man can be healed, if they're willing to put in the serious effort. With righteous help they can be helped righteously and compassionately. 


What I've learned during my lifetime, is that if a man ever leaves a good woman, it is usually because there is another woman involved. It can happen due to a crisis in their own lives, and that can be on any level of being. Consciousness is multi-dimensional. So if a person decides that they wish to come back into your life, after what they have done, are words enough? Words and actions together are imperative, and wisdom is required as well as intuition. 

As the heavenly Father said when I was painting for 'Feather Woman', 'Follow your heart beat'. 

The LORD said, 'This is why, you must record your life'. So how is my heart beating? It is beating perfectly, and the drum beats are for the film of the truth of the divine testimony, the divine testimony for the Son, that I was born to deliver. 

I remember I had a dream, whereby my husband wished to come back into my life, and he was very serious about it. A dear friend drew close to me because she was concerned about the situation. 

In the dream, I listened intently to what he had to say. However, I did not make a decision upon it. Then the day came when his name was 'blotted' out of the book of life, due to what he said to me in another dream. He wasn't blotted out of the book of life, just his name, for his name impacts on all children that are born with it, on a vibrational level. 

In 2007, while receiving a healing treatment, Archangel Michael spoke of the importance of teaching love to those that are still learning to live it fully, and sometimes that requires a love that is so noble in holiness, that it is beyond most peoples comprehension. 

However, we can share love with people until they eventually get it. Real divine love is eternal and universal. It is all powerful and as the heavenly Father said, 'Now they will see the fire of your love'.  

For magnanimous love will enlighten every cell of the body that exists, and only the sunshine of real love can heal this 'skin disease' that was ordained to fulfill the biblical prophecy, about the one that was promised to Moses. 

So what can I do now about this cellular healing? I can bath in lavender and geranium, and then massage the oils into my body, as deeply as I can into the tissues and muscles on my right side. Those interested in cellular healing, and if you have any 'muscle' issues, might also like to view the 'Eccentricity' post. 

I can spread the paint for those that were there for me, and do so frequently. For I have been truly blessed with some very precious souls to walk with me, hand in hand, side by side, in the front line at different times in my life. I can count my blessings awesomely, and share with others how to do so. 

I can continue to pour out this love, upon those that wish to stay close with me. I can take a little walk in fresh air, eat nourishing food full of nutrients. I can nurture myself and others, for I was born to be wisdom in manifestation, and the 21st century was born in her wisdom. Jesus predicted that 'Wisdom will proven right by words, wisdom will be proven right by her deeds'. 

My heart is strong, my Spirit is strong, and the physical we can resolve, in this timeframe with the right application and solutions. I remain positive, I remain hopeful for my cellular recovery, and the recovery of others. 

My affirmation and motto is, 'Extraordinary women do extraordinary things'. A co-creator of miracles in the purest intention. A co-creation in the will of the LORD, for his glory and divine testimony for his Son.  

I remain in resplendent peace of the being. The children bring joy to my heart, and joyful tears to my eyes, for it is for the children that I came. I live for the children, I live for God, and to fulfill the divine plan and his divine will for me in what he calls the 'Incarnation'. 

I love with all of my heart, and with all of my holy Spirit of ELI. 


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