
Wednesday 19 March 2014

Catalytic Event

I hadn't eaten for a few days, due to no appetite, due to what was unfolding on the planet, and the planetary energies that sometimes impact on this empath. So today, it was time to feast. There were some Scottish langoustines reduced, so I brought home the 8. Good numeric of transformation and infinity. I chose to have the seafood, with salad, and basmati and wild rice.

After the rice had been boiled, and drained. I was putting olive oil, garlic, fresh green chili, some fresh ginger into the pan with some butter. Then the heavenly Father spoke to me and he said 'Cinnamon', so I added about half a teaspoon of what he asked for, and then I added the rice. I have to say it was delicious. I also had a baby leaf salad, with balsamic vinegar, olive oil and topped it with a good amount of dill. I do like fresh dill very much.

While I was eating dinner, I was looking at this painting that came in last night. Then the heavenly Father spoke again and he said, 'Sad', 'Catalytic Event.' He didn't say when or where. Although when I looked at 'Cinnamon', it mentions it in the book of Exodus, to do with an instruction that Moses was given for the fragrant anointing oil. Exodus 30:22. He didn't say when or where, so if I receive anymore information, I will update this post.

Now the painting doesn't have a line through it, that came to be during the scanning. Does the line indicate the equator? Clearly, there is bloodshed in the painting.

He also said, 'they will cry'.

The 18th March, is the 'Day of Return'.



  1. AN hour ago The Guardian posted about Israel. The latest events follow a series of incidents on Israel's increasingly restive northern border. Although Israeli sources admitted that it was as yet unclear who had planted the bomb on the border, Israel's defence minister, Moshe Ya'alon, made clear that it held the Syrian military responsible for "enabling" the attack.

  2. Israeli soldiers in the Golan Heights. The air force carried out raids after four Israeli soldiers were ambushed by a buried bomb. The soldiers were reportedly lured into an ambush and were hit by a buried bomb that was detonated as they approached.

    Four paratroopers were injured in the blast. The Syrian military reported that one of its soldiers had been killed and seven injured in the air raids the following day.

    That is eight, the numeric mentioned in the blogpost.

  3. Time is quickening, things are at a fever pitch, WWIII is breaking, and the married woman now is a widow.

    Such sadness has come to you, do not dispare, all of this must happen. Feel my love grow for the hope of our kind, draw strength from me, as i have you. Picture in your mind, being as free as a childs imagination. Close your eyes, and see my earthen colors craddle your heart. Now open, your eyes behold a man you have taken by heart.

    Love forevermore.



  4. The one who was dying blessed me; I made the widow’s heart sing. Job 29:13

    Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. Mark 12:43

    The Lord said, And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? 8 I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find trustful loyalty on the earth?” Luke 18:7

  5. He said to me, 'It was you that made the difference, it was you that went to the Middle East'.

  6. 'It wasn't just because you went to the Middle East, it was because of who you are'.
