
Thursday 20 March 2014

Anzu Wyliei or Feathered Monroo?

On the 16th March, 2014, the 'Centurion Mandala' was posted. I mentioned that I could see an animal in the painting, a bird, and a fish. I described the animal as I see it as being in the color silver grey.

Today there is news that scientists have discovered a 'Feather Dinosaur' that once roamed North America. The dinosaur looks like a cross between a peasant, monkey, and rooster. It has a monkey like dog tail, feathered like a peasant. Feathered arms, and its paws are clawed.

The scientists have called the new species, Anzu Wyliei, I wonder sometimes, I really do, where they come up with such names. Is it the intention of scientists to embed it into humanities consciousness, forever? Best we let the scientists know that the old heavens and earth is passing away, and everything is being made anew.

So let me get this right, orthodox European Christians fled to the land of the Native Americans, they rename the places and lands of the Dakota. Then when they find fossils of dinosaurs there, they name the new species after a mythological Mesopotamian 'feathered demon'. That they found it in a place that they had also named, 'Hell Creek'. They then finish their article calling the new species a 'Chicken from Hell'. Goodness gracious me, what will American scientists inflict upon more children? [2] 

Do they have any comprehension at all, in respect of the power of communication and words? Or is Christian America intent on holding on to the past, and old realties that brought America to where it is? I wonder sometimes, I really do! If you like birds, why wouldn't anyone like this one? 

Of course there is also news that a well-known leader of an American Church, due to his stance against gay people, has also passed over. Is it a coincidence? I can see how so many aspects of this mandala are relating to current events. Its like a timeframe of the feathered cross. This evening, I noticed that in one of the 'Kriss Kross' videos, the children were wearing 'Black and Blue'. 

Well I shall call that dinosaur, the 'Feathered Monroo'. Mon for Monkey, and Roo for Rooster. It so reminds me of some people from the American CT community. 



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