
Monday 24 February 2014

Where is the LOVE David Cameron?

While David Cameron is 'crying with glee' over the speech given by David Bowie to Scotland, to stay with us. The world of David Cameron and his politicians are 'not worthy of those that have become destitute' due to his policies in action.

In addition, there is news that Cameron's government have 'sold hospital records of NHS patients to insurance companies'. Who gave David Cameron the permission to do that? Did I give Cameron or the NHS the permission to do what they've done? No. Did Great Spirit give them permission?

Did any of the 47 million patients give the NHS the permission to do what they've done? No.

How dare they, who do they think they are? Where is the love David Cameron? Where is the love David Bowie?

'The medical records of every NHS hospital patient in the country have been sold for insurance purposes, The Telegraph can reveal.
'The disclosure comes days after controversial plans to extract patient data from GP files were put on hold, amid concerns over the scheme.
Those in charge of the programme have repeatedly insisted that it will be illegal for information extracted from GP files to be sold to insurers, who might seek to target customers or put up their prices.
However, a report by a major UK insurance society discloses that it was able to obtain 13 years of hospital data – covering 47 million patients – in order to help companies “refine” their premiums.' [1] 
Remember what our Great Sovereign LORD said, 'The politicians are the bane of your life'. 
The world that does such things as what the Telegraph has reported on, are they worthy of my people?

As the Son of God said in 2007, 
'Those that remain silent are compliant to the suffering in the world'. 

The power of love is here David, 
and now you shall see the fire of my love, 
for the LORD has ordained it. 

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