
Sunday 2 February 2014


This video was shared with me today, and the documentary is called 'America Unearthed, The Desert Cross'. It shares how some Christian relics were found in the USA in 1924. However, the relics are dated as 800AD. 

They say that geologically, it all fits together perfectly, and that they must have come by boat. I tried to watch the video twice, the second time it stopped at about 10.12-15. However, I carried on listening to the video. 1015, brings forth the question, whether these relics were brought to that location in 1012-1015, with relics from 800AD. 

It is more than likely, that those that did not reach the right place at the right time in England, at the end of the first millennium. Then decided to go further afield, due to them knowing in their hearts, what was coming upon Europe. As I have written, spiritual people had a window of opportunity 1,000 years ago, and we all know what has happened in the last millennium to humanity. 

The relics are important, and I feel that they are a message in themselves. Like they're explaining what happened.  The video also mentions what is known as the 'Cross of Lorraine', cited as the cross of the archbishop, the cross of the patriarch's. [1] I haven't done any research on this cross, or the name Lorraine. If we look at the name Lorraine, it takes us to 'Lotharingia'. That then takes us back to the 'Carolingian Empire'. Historians say that the 'Carolingian Empire', existed between 800-888. 

It is written that the region of Lorraine, 'Lotharingia', is named after a 'Lothair 1'. He was an emperor of the Romans and a King of Italy. Hence, the connection with the Medici family and this cross. 

While I was listening to the video, I felt a really strong connection with a man that I met only once. He was one of the people that vetted me to work professionally as a reader. I had already vetted myself for two years prior to working professionally in the public domain. When I speak of self-vetting what I am actually speaking about is doing readings for people, and then by the feedback I received, I could then see the measure of the accuracy of the predictions that were being given.

It was only after I was entirely happy with the level of accuracy, that had been proven to me, then I felt I was ready to offer my skills and talents on a professional level to the general public.

I had already been working on the professional circuit prior to applying for certification. I was already successful with many clients, and the only reason certification came into being, was due to the possibility of working abroad in the future.

I had been told by a friend and colleague at that time, that I would be going to a country with the letter A. As it turned it out, years later, I did spend time in two countries with the letter A.

Going back to the man that I met all those years ago at the first vetting. He was absolutely chuffed with my professionalism, and how accurate I was, when I gave him the reading. He spoke of how important it was that people of my integrity, and high standard came into the field. He spoke of it, in terms of the new generation to take the work forward in the public domain, as representatives of the professional body, that was approved by the media and government.

As far as I am aware, and remember, he was one of the original founder members with Russell Grant, who sought to have a professional body. I was still young at the time, and I felt deeply honored by this humble spiritual elder, and that he could see so much potential in me, on a professional level. He said that what impressed him the most, was the quality, clarity and the professionalism of the presentation. He was so happy, and kept smiling with his joy.

I was vetted by another two people on that first round. A wonderful lady gave me an excellent pass with flying colors. Then there was another man, and he wasn't happy at the news that I had to deliver to him. I had told him that great changes were coming in his life, and the leadership.

Well, no surprise, what I had said to him, happened far quicker, than I had anticipated, and there were a lot of issues going on with the leadership, and he was deeply entrenched in it, and its female president.

I never did get much involved with it, although I did go for one meeting in London, with the membership for social reasons. It resulted in me becoming quite friendly, with a couple of the younger members, and we were still in contact a decade later.

Now as far as the name 'Lorraine' is concerned, I only came across a couple of women with that name. One of the women worked locally, and in the very early days, when I tried to see her, she wouldn't allow me to make a booking. There was a lot going on in her life at that time. However, my reputation of integrity and professionalism, did precede me. It was often the case that her clients would also come to see me afterwards to get a second view. Often I had to clarify, and or 'refute' what 'Lorraine' had said to some of her clients to get them on the upright track.

The other woman with the name 'Lorraine', came onto the circuit towards the end of me leaving it, prior to going to Australia. When I returned to the circuit on my return, the other Lorraine was still on the circuit. However, by then I was doing lectures on my first manuscript, healing, self-development, new workshops and training courses. I was working in the South, and as far North as Scotland, in addition to working and teaching in other countries in Europe. Articles were being translated into different languages, and distribution was reaching from one side of the world to the other.

Now the 'Cross Lorraine' itself, looks like it relates to the two generations. Whereby from the Father, comes the child. You could also view it, in terms of two different decades, and Jesus did speak of the 2nd and 3rd watch in the biblical teachings. Again, there are different ways in which one could view that. Joseph was the Father of the Son of Joseph, the Son of Joseph was the Father of the Flame of Joseph.



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