
Saturday 22 February 2014


I agree with Telegraph blogger, Harry Mount, to 'SAVE SMITHFIELD'. [1] It could also house a small museum on the history of the area, and those that lived there. In Athens they had a small museum at the airport in the departure lounge. Why not at Smithfield? That area of London, has such amazing historical stories to share, and it could have a healing dome there as well for the children. Dignity heals with grace and mercy that righteousness bestows. Healing is the path of salvation and love is the way.

The museum could also include the story of the Jewish 'Chuts' that arrived in London from Amsterdam, in the Netherlands during the latter part of the 19th century. Check out the yiddish word 'Chut' with the word found in Egypt as Sut viz Shut in ancient days. [2]

Of course there is also the history of the Greeks, the Italians, the Cypriots, and all the other people that arrived in London looking for a way to feed their children, and be safe. When they saw that the writing was on the wall in their nations.

No more office blocks, save the architecture of the English culture and its heritage. Make sure that the refurbishment is ecological and self-sustainable. Smithfield would make an amazing cultural centre, dedicated to those that came to prosper in London during the 19th century. A place for their descendants to celebrate their cultural heritage in London.

You know the first thing that Europeans ask me for when they come, is 'Fish and Chips', and the other week, I found some traditional, 'Pie and Mash'. What else do I remember about London? Hot salt beef bars, new green, yummy! Chopped herring, and chopped liver from Blooms! WOW, it could be like the Harrods food hall, a place worthy of a visit. It could also have a food bank, and soup kitchen for the poor, feed the world at Smithfield.  A pint of prawns, cockles and jellied eels for those that like them. 

Smithfield is part of our Jewish heritage. 



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