
Friday 7 February 2014

Penguins, Seals, Ragnarok, Mahakala

Earlier in January, it was reported that 'King Penguins walking among Southern Elephant Seals'. A colony of 3,000 king penguins descended on St Andrews Bay, near the Falkland Islands, bravely waddling through 4,000 grumpy elephant seals, which were there to give birth'. 

'There was a deafening chorus on the island in the southern Atlantic. The spectacle often sees tensions run high, and the seals fought with each other as they growled to warn the penguins away'. 'The photographer John Eastcott said: "We travelled on a boat and witnessed the seals breeding, giving birth and nursing their pups. It was a spectacular moment'.

News today that the 'Penguins native to South America can't cope with harsh Scarborough weather and need anti-depressants'. The strap line to the picture is 'Poorly Pingu: Penguins are down in the dumps'. 

'Zoo penguins have been given anti-depressants after the wet and windy weather made them lose their happy feet'. 


'After the first week they were a bit subdued, but after a month, they are thoroughly fed-up and miserable'. 'Penguins are known to commit suicide. In the wild they leave their colonies and starve to death'. [1]

Yorkshire, the Vikings and the 'Ragnarok' prophecy, it was in York that the horn was sounded for the 'Ragnorok' timeline to begin. [3] Its certainly the timeframe of the male energy to take action, due to what has happened in many past lives.

For sure the 'Fire Stone' has been released and many women will be saying sorry. The 'Rolling Stones', begin their 'Fire' tour in February, 2014. Interesting that 'Ronnie Woods', was wearing lavender around his neck. A sure sign that he found the healer. All will come to power of love of the heart, for habitation on the planet depends upon it. The heart is the seat of intelligence, scientifically proven.

This Viking painting was done a few weeks ago as a birthday present.


In the above painting you will see the eight pointed star in blue on gold, and that is also the colors of the Swedish flag.


However, it is also the timeframe of 'Mahakala' in Indian spirituality, and they will defend the dharma of righteousness. You can be sure of that. This painting was done for a man in Canada that has been defending the native Canadians. He stands against the Vatican and its co-creation.


Its all going on, all over the planet.




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