
Monday 3 February 2014


This video from Kate Melus reminds me of the 90's, its about finding that happy place. It was a great journey finding the happiness within, and once I did, how the power of love and light grew at the most amazing pace.

Once you have truly experienced the sheer power of the love within, as it arises the more that people heal themselves. Sometimes with the help of others, the true light of love is always insight. In sight of the pure eyes of the beloved hearts, that see and experience with a panoramic view of reality, and realities. There are many kingdoms, which one does your heart and soul live in? Do you live in my heart, do I live in yours?


The ability was enabled to share wisdom of life experience with clients, clients that would phone in from many countries around the globe. A majority of them came due to a recommendation from a friend or colleague that they trusted, it simply soared in the power of love of the spiritual counselor, that was imparting the power of love of the Christos teachings.

The power of love that creates immunity for the soul, the more that it heals, the more immune and stronger it becomes.  The power of love that helped to create the incarnation of the Holy Spirit, after the merging of the soul and Spirit enabled it. 

The power of love that is victorious and overcomes every reality.

Just like the love between the horse and its rider, when they really do love each other, the unity of them together is awesomeness. Joel 2 speaks about such love, and how those on the true love vibration, crossed the new frontiers together. 

It was after the new millennium began that the science was then brought into my life, scientific realities that proved the power of love and the impact that it has on your being. The power of love, as the water of shiloh, gentle, simple, for the water is not just a fountain or a pool, the water is everywhere, globally.

The oceans may be salty, they can be hot or cold, the ocean is an awesome healer, and can do a power of good to give your energy a boost.  Hot natural springs, and many holy streams.  

As the LORD said, 'Your love is as deep as the ocean and as tall as a tree', and the trees in heaven exist in their perfect nature of beauty, beyond what most people can see, or appreciate. Experience of wisdom, its peacefulness counts for a true sadhu, the contentment of the bodhisattva, and the peacefulness that the power of love brought to the being.

Healing of self manifested many keys for healing consciousness. Do you have the key to the heart? Did you have keys to helping families and their children? Were you a health detective with a spiritual magnifying glass that could see what others couldn't? Could you read between the lines, and know what had to be done, and what key to use to open that door?

How many keys did you have? How many doors did you enter, how many gates? How many people, how many miracles did you manifest? What keys did Spirit give you for healing consciousness?

How can anyone truly know the love incarnation at the core of their being, unless they have the willingness, reason and purpose to do so? What did you choose? Did you choose to open the door to let the healer come in? Did you knock on the door of a healer? 

How can anyone truly comprehend the spiritual journey that the power of love and its Christos energy manifests? From experience I know, you have to live it, you have to walk the talk, and be prepared to go the extra miles that are required. It can mean leaving many realities behind, to encounter the experience of the new ones.

For how can you leave the shore? It requires courage to do so. The courage of the brave and strong in Spirit. Divine love in manifestation can bring forth many different realities to you, so that you can be an example of your liberation, freedom and that power of love, that was attained by staying true to the path  of service you were on.

The LORD did not ask for sacrifice, he asked for mercy, and his Son was and is merciful to the innocent. 


The power of love can bring forth many challenges, to help the world to transform itself, due to leading by example. It brings forth righteous love that is demonstrated in zealous compassionate action to help others. The great work of the givers to humanity.

It is a divine mission and a cause of truth, that comes from the heart of the Creator. It manifests a path of service that is unique in its unfoldment, that is why I often see it written, that they found something rare.

For completion of truth does exist, and those that reach it, are rare indeed. It is rare indeed, to meet people that have done it all for the power of love that heals the world. 

Jesus was right, it is the compassionate action that changes the world, and that can manifest in many different spheres of influence. Once a person has experienced that compassionate action, that helped to change the way that they were living their lives, it can never be forgotten. 

As I have written many times over the last decade, humanity will not survive without compassionate action. That includes removing the 'nuclear reactors', as soon as possible, for only that which is natural will survive on this planet. The time came in the history of humanity to redress the balance, and the miracles proved the existence of the Creator, and the power of his love. The power of love that manifested the utmost attention, and purest of intentions to help others to see that integrity is essential. 

The integrity to speak the truth, for in the power of love, it impacts on many spheres of influence and realities and it is perfectly natural for people to be honest with themselves about their own co-creation.

In the acceptance of different realities, one comes to know that there is a reality beyond most peoples comprehension, a compassion and mercy that is beyond most peoples experience. Why? They have to become it, to truly comprehend its reason for being. The sheer innocence is beyond measure, and yet, how many people wish to reclaim it?

The righteousness and its justice that comes to be is viewed in many different ways by humanity, depending where they are on their journey. Those that have truly manifested, and redeemed the love of the Spirit, comprehend the reason for it. A supernatural world for supernatural people, that appreciate what it has to offer in a good way to humanity.

Extraordinary women do extraordinary things, and that includes purifying, and offering the Christos way of purification, to enable salvation for each and every individual. 

It is true to say, that in the scriptures it did predict that the LORD would decide who he would give his HESED to. His hesed, of divine favor that manifested miracles. Miracles that even the scientists were stunned by, for it surpasses anything that they had experienced before.

Yet, rarely, do such people truly honor it. Rarely can they stand up to what those miracles bring forth in their wholeness. They have to accept that the LORD has been active in their life, to the point whereby, they have no choice but to review their lives and where they're are coming from. Why did they wait so long to embrace such awesome love, such purity of goodness? 

It is rare to find people that can withstand the truth of the sheer power of love, and how it can manifest for the good of all. Another reason why the prophecies predicted that many would flee from its flame of Joseph.  How could anyone ever refuse the power of love, when their very existence depends upon it? 

I remember I had a dream of two parents and their children, the parents looked solemn, the children were in front of them, now grown up, they were waving to me, saying 'I LOVE YOU' and they spoke my name with great joy in their hearts, and the light of happiness in their eyes. The sun shone from the children's hearts. 

Sometimes it can suit a person's reality, to forget the goodness and power of love given in service to help them down the ages. However, the children hold the love, of the love that truly does love them unconditionally. Those that lived in the presence of the power of love, children that experienced great love, that always stood up for them and defended them.  So it is the children come, for the children know the truth, in their hearts of conscience. 


No one can overcome the power of love, for it makes you immune to the ways of the people, and that is why it soars, and will continually to do so. It is a conscious choice and people had a choice to make. 

However, do bear in mind, that the power of love does impact on your health and soul consciousness in a positive way, that is another reason why I asked the people to choose wisely. Just like the story of 'Sleeping Beauty', what others have co-created can be reversed with a gift that is given by a godmother. 

For peace shall be your governor, and well-being will be your ruler. Prophet Isaiah was correct. 

The spiritual law is quite incredible, the LORD said, 'They're crying'.

I went to the kitchen to make a hot drink, and I heard a whisper, 'Bomb'.

The Son of God whispers like that sometimes, and over a decade ago he did speak about the 'time bomb', and how it would go off in his heart. When it did, the love vibration would be like a lava that would cover the planet.

When he spoke of the 'Time Bomb' in his heart, it was at the end of a past life healing session, earlier in the session, I was walking along the beach with him.

Eternally yours incarnation, the power of love that manifests miracles and blessings in abundance, to those that open to receive it.

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