
Friday 7 February 2014


I was pondering on the USA, and a young man, who has been working on getting his life sorted out. We used to have a laugh and a joke together. Then the heavenly Father spoke and he said 'Forlorn'.

The dictionary defines 'Forlorn', as meaning that a person appears to be 'sad', or 'lonely', due to them feeling 'deserted' or 'abandoned', and the last I heard he is living alone.

There was an American film called, 'Forlorn River', from 1937, and it was about a cowboy called,  'Nevada' who takes a job on a ranch rounding up horses. The cowboy came into a 'conflict with two men. A powerful 'cattleman', and a 'former bank robber'. The film was a Harold Hurley production.

This song will always remind me of him, his soft and gentle heart. I felt a strong connection with him, and a flow of tears come. He requires the best support that is on offer, a safe space to heal from his experiences. It is essential that those that feel 'forlorn', are in a loving environment, that can give them the encouragement, and mentoring that is healthy for them. It is essential that they are blessed with resplendent peace and well-being.


Prophet Jeremiah spoke of the 'outcasts'. 'I will restore you to health and heal your wounds, declares the LORD, because you are called an 'outcast', Zion for whom no one cares. Jeremiah 30:17.

There is also the 'Forlorn Hope' a band of soldiers chosen to take the leading part in a military operation, such as an assault on a defended position, where the risk of casualties are high'. [1] 


Apparently, the term 'Forlorn Hope', became known as 'a body of troops placed in a hazardous position', e.g. an exposed outpost'. [1]

May integrity and uprightness protect the 'forlorn', because my hope LORD is in you. Guard his life, and rescue him. Be a safe refuge for the forlorn knights. Hear my prayer for the 'outcasts'. 



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