
Saturday 1 March 2014


This morning while bathing in lavender oil, I opened a little book that was gifted to me many years ago. The little book is called 'Meditations for women who do too much'. Author, Anne Wilson Schaef

'I always thought it true courage to suffer. Now I see that being alive is a special kind of bravery'. 

Some positive words for those that endure much, and are determined to stay alive, the courage and bravery to live. 
Living life can be a challenge, we can, and do overcome the challenge of life, with the power of love in our hearts. Sometimes, we ask how many more challenges to be overcome, when is it enough? How many victories are enough, when the Spirit of grace, wisdom and real peace is found. 

Birthdays can be infectious with joy when we feel well enough to enjoy them. When we don't, well that's the time to celebrate the peace within. This flower always reminds me of mother, and the first signs of springtime when they're seen. 

What I write and share, I usually write and share for others. Just as what I experience, I experience and express it for others. Today, I soaked in the lavender. Had some interesting visions while soaking.

I saw a white bird like a swallow, first it flew in front of my eyes, and then it flew up in a straight line, in the shape of a supersonic plane. I then felt the heavy weight of the golden crown that was placed upon my head. I knew that he was with me.

Then I saw the head of a different bird, and it looked like an eagle, and it dissolved into the face of a baby, the baby was smiling. The face of the baby was sparkling, like a cosmic child. After that I saw beautiful swans walking together, and it reminded me a place that I once was. A place where I left a photograph of the swans to remind them. 

After that, I saw the silhouette of what looked like a male angel, nude, and he had huge white wings upon the silhouette. It was clearly a picture of an angel, that I was seeing. While I was watching this video, it reminded me of a member of our community, he passed over in his 40's with a heart condition. He loved life, and we all loved him, and his gentle nature.

Then I was gently taken into a different reality, and enjoyed the rest that the time brought. 

Ted Andrews shares with us that the cycle of time of the 'Swallow', is 'Summer' and its keynote is 'Protection and warmth for the home and proper perspective'. 'The swallow has legs and feet that are small and weak. It signifies a time of perspective and to distance oneself from the 'mundane'.'

A time to 'rise above it' and 'move beyond', just like the swallow going up like the supersonic plane. The swallow also speaks of objectivity, and being objective about anything in your life that you may be concerned about. 

The eagle always reminds me of America, and the cycle of power, its keynote of the eagle is 'Illumination of Spirit, Healing and Creation'. 'Eagle medicine is about taking responsibility, and the power of becoming. It can indicate a quickening in your life, fast pace, spiritual growth.' 

The head of the eagle dissolved into a baby, and babies are symbolic of a bundle of joy and its innocence. It was like the joy of the baby was a gift of innocence, and my son was certainly worth the joy that he brought into my life. Even though my body paid the price for the pregnancy, and birth on a health level. So whenever, you can feel it in the body,  picture the beautiful smiling face of a cosmic baby. Revitalizing the body with new cells and regeneration, for a new generation, the next generation with big smiles. 

The cosmic baby can also indicate, new life, new birth and new beginnings. 

Swans indicate the winter time and the keynote is 'awakening the true beauty and power of the self'. 'In folklore young maidens turn into swans and the swan is the totem of the child, the poet, the mystic, dreamer, a traditional symbol of beauty and grace.' 

So it looks like I've been given some visions for 2014, and what we are working with this year.

So are you brave enough to embrace the power of magnanimous love? Do you have the courage to become the light of magnanimous love, that you were born to be? How courageous and brave are you? 

The courage to live, is really the courage to love magnanimously, the bravery of being alive. 

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