
Thursday 23 January 2014


As an ex-business consultant, that was recommended, and put forward by management consultants to help small and start-up businesses; in a former career.  It was natural for yours truly, to offer help for the 'Cause of Truth'. However, the people that owned the small businesses in the truth movement, are no different to business owners in the corporate world.

When a person starts a business it is their baby, as such, they are very protective of it, and that is natural. However, it is often the case, that the person that started the business, is to close to it, to have an objective viewpoint, that is emotionally detached from it. That is another reason why Jesus taught detachment.

It is often the case that a small business owner is so busy running the business, so busy developing new product, that they simply don't have the time to be pro-active and responsive to the requirements of the business itself. They can keep the business so close to their chest, that it can restrict the company, and its organic growth.

Making sure that customers are happy, keeping their trustful loyalty, is a major aspect of running any small business. Meeting the requirements of the customer base is essential, especially in the service industry. If you are providing a service of any kind, then the customer is king, and that is something that the corporate world still have to learn. It seems they're learning the hard way.

In business, no service is free, and everything has a cost, ultimately, just like the spiritual law of the cosmos.  This has been witnessed with youtube with its advertising, with google and everything that the public use on the internet. It has been clear that the social networks, have been mined for information for a very long time. The social engineering, is still going on, and only the 'Lord of the Breakthrough',  can put a stop to the 'Kali Yuga' and what the kings of the East, plan to do with the budget for three nations, in the next eight years.

I did explain years ago, what happens to a company, when they refuse to listen to a person that has a lot more life and business experience than them. When a business consultant has an objective, and panoramic view of a particular market, and its products, they have the bigger picture of what can help the small business person, to overcome the many obstacles that the small business man encounters. Of course, the same applies to the global situation, of what man has co-created for humanity.

Of course, that person is also aided if their management consultant, has also run their own small business successfully for a minimum of ten years. The ten days mentioned in the book of Revelation.

So what happens to a company, when it comes to a cross roads in its organic growth, and it has no choice but to get bigger?  That is usually when an expert is either hired, or sent into help them, to make the upright decisions that will save the company due to the different directions that one can take. In my own case, I had no choice but to move into a new space, that gave us more room for extra staff.

However, when the recession came, she also had the fluidity, and flexibility, to downsize, when required to reduce the overheads, to survive the recession. It was during that time, that the next star was born, the skilled writer.

Divine intervention is also like that, when the divine are sent in to help out. To ensure that the person or company survives a time in the course of its life, when they have to decide, which is the best way to go, to save the company, a nation, or an individual.

Of course, management consultants themselves are not immune to what can happen to them, especially, if there is more than one person that are directors of that company. They too can find, that if they run a business, they too can be influenced by the other directors and they don't always make the right choices due to their personal investment in the business itself. It was often the case, that I had to say no, to people.

Some people didn't like it, and would storm off, well they got left to stew in their own juices, there are plenty of fish in the sea. They soon came back, in a much more humble way, when they required feeding.

As such, for success, one has to be emotionally and financially detached from, the outcome of the business. If a person is attached in anyway, that is when the obstacles can be larger than they are required to be. Of course, the more healed a person is, the more objective a person is. You become an observer of the experience, and not attached to that experience, does that make sense?

When I ran my own business, I was in charge, I wasn't influenced by anyone. Although, I did listen to my accountant, and she was very supportive. I always listened to the staff as well. After I took everything into account. Ultimately, I made my own decisions, because I had the life experience and business acumen to do so. I had the insight, foresight and hindsight, to make the right choices for all of us. That is what enabled the company to exist for ten years, and it did take tenacity, and the ability to ride the storms when they came.

Of course, it wasn't the first business that she had run, nor was it to be the last. Did wisdom attend business school? No! Did she train as a management consultant? No!. We are talking natural talent, common sense, intuition, and wisdom from experience. A child that started work at the age of 15, as fresh, and as innocent as could be. A true Virgin.

A panoramic view, of what was essential to maximize potentiality. Wisdom has the ability to identify, and see the natural talent, the natural potential, that is how she chose which creatives were most suited for specific projects and jobs.  She was also guided by the pure fragrance of the intuition in her heart. However, wisdom likes integrity, because its requires integrity to manifest wisdom.

That is why Jesus chose his companions for their integrity, not for their knowledge. Jesus knew that knowledge comes and goes with the ages, like the new moon that becomes full, then it wanes, until a new moon comes. However, the moon gets its light from the sun, and that is why the wondrous woman from heaven was ordained to have the moon under her feet.

Does it remind you of when the Mayan civilization was practically wiped out? What knowledge was left of the Mayan knowledge? Very little, as we know. The LORD did not ask for sacrifice, he asked for mercy. Only divine mercy, in compassionate action, can save cultures and people from extinction.

Wisdom is eternal, and can be applied universally, when it comes from life experience. Like the love beyond measure that helped to create it. The Mars in Virgo, the passion and fire of the Virgin manifests in many different spheres, dimensions and realities.

A true master, is master of them all. It never was about being a master of people, it was about helping people to become master of their realities to overcome them. The prophecies did predict that righteousness would go before you, and 'righteousness delivers from death'. It has been proven that righteousness delivers from extinction, another miracle.

How can the wisdom of righteousness help to save a company or a person, if people refuse to listen to righteousness and its wisdom? Like Mars in Virgo, you have to be clear headed and rational, to be successful in whatever you choose to do. You have to be emotionally and spiritually mature, in any situation whereby the energy of money is involved.

There came a time when I was asked to guide a man, on the best way forward for him. Once again, he turned his heart to the one that had always guided him, the upright way of wisdom. His younger partners in business, thought that they knew better, than the one that had the extensive life experience.

The man knew that he had the experience in business, and his chosen genre behind him, he also knew that, he had greater business experience behind him, that he could turn to, if and when he required it.

The outcome was that the man was able to detach from the situation, take the advice on board, and for doing so, he won in that situation. He was the one with the real expertise in his choice of business, and the good counsel that was given by wisdom, combined with insight. Ensured that he left the business that he started, with his just reward, for taking the advice of wisdom on board.

The amount of work and sheer effort, that he had put into the business, combined with accepting the truth of wisdom, justice was served from the seat of it. The one that was sitting in the seat of justice is a woman. As the LORD said, 'JUSTICE SEAT', Lotus Feet.

So what happened to the business after he left? Exactly, what the woman in the justice seat predicted would happen. Wisdom was right again, and Jesus predicted that 'Wisdom will be proven right by her words', Wisdom will be proven right by her deeds'.

After that, the man got on track with the divine plan of his soul. It is a powerful one at that. It is the most powerful astrological configuration, that I have ever looked at. His soul had work to do with ecology and the environment of the planet, and he was divinely guided by wisdom, on the upright direction, and path that was upright for him.

A direction that was of great interest to him, it also manifested great love that was essential for the next phase of his spiritual journey and healing on the planet. Many dreams, many lifetimes, many careers, manifested in one life. Would that love have manifested, without the healing that he engaged with?

That is for him to know, by the fragrance of his heart, that wisdom was always there for him, whenever he called upon her for help. When a man is empowered with love, sometimes he can let that love beyond measure, take him over, and the divine plan of his soul.

That is why Jesus was continually 'rebuking' his followers, to keep them on the upright track. So that they would continue with the cause of truth, and be successful in helping humanity to liberate itself, with the true freedom of the spiritual law that offers freedom to humanity.

That is also why, this justice seat, was compelled to do what it has done in recent years. The news is reporting many aspects of what is happening on the planet, and there is a lot in space news.

There is also a news report about Amazon, and it mentions what can happen to potential, and the reason why 'potential' became 'scared', of the power of its potential. This painting is from the 5th of January, 2013. Its called, 'Amazon Brazil'. As we know, it was after this painting was posted, that a pope from Latin America was selected by the Vatican.


The article that I am responding to, mentions how, 'Amazon cannot exist without an open source'. [1]

Of course, those that stood against wisdom, including members of the Churches, had not manifested their spiritual potential, and some had not manifested in business either. Of course, the same applies to many gay people, and mystics who went into the Church for protection down the ages.

Truly, a person that has reached their creative potential, can stand in aloneness. That is why they have the inner confidence and courage to do what has to be done. Creativity can be very powerful, when it is for the goodwill of all concerned. In the utmost attention, and purest intention.

It can also be viewed in terms of the opening up of a person themselves; to their own dynamic healing potential that is completely intuitive. That can only happen with the healing that is essential, although working with symbology does massage the third eye.

It is through the healing of self, that one gains the insight, to see that wisdom was always proven right. Not only right, but upright in the heart of purest intention. Only the pure, can see pure potential, that has manifested for all of the upright reasons. Beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder, yet how long did it take them to purify their eyes?

It is due to the miracles delivered by the truly righteous, that gives the divine intervention, for the upright, Sons of Light. That is what tips the balance in their favor, that is why Jesus spoke of the favor that had been given to yours truly. Jesus does not count how many sacred sites that you have been to, he counts how many souls that you have saved.

How were they upright? Those that listened to wisdom, sitting in the justice seat, that was their saving grace, when they integrated what she had shared with them. It took many years, for some to get the message, the memo and the signposts. Although it appears that, it happened in an instant of the twinkling of an eye. Like, one moment in time, a window of opportunity.

For when man loves wisdom, the LORD loves the man for doing so, and upon him, many blessings from heaven are bestowed.

'Of course, the web giant is under no obligation to share its enhancements for open-source'. [1]

Better to help those that listen to the justice seat of wisdom, than those that do not. The biblical prophecies predicted that the LORD would give glory to his feet. Well he did do that many times, for it was his testimony for the family of Joseph, that had been pre-ordained and pre-destined. The flame of Joseph exists, as blue as a cornflower, as bright as a sapphire, the flame of truth.

The wondrous woman from heaven, clothed in the sun does exist. She did wear the golden gown of the Royal bride as the prophecy predicted, and last night, the lamp outside shone a golden light that she could see, the horse and rider in the golden light. As the heavenly Father said, 'Enjoy the Ride'.

Wisdom wasn't afraid of anyone, after it was all integrated, she was dauntless in the cause of truth, because she knew that her seat was merciful and full of loving kindness. Mars in Virgo, 'bonds created due to kindness'.

She's like the child, that gave all of sweets away, and only had one for herself, and her true friends loved her heart, the heart of the great giver. She's the woman that gives everything she has got to her life partner, because he is the most important to her and her life. Sometimes that man is her son, or sons. Wisdom loves what God created.

However, she was fully aware of what others could do with what she knows to be true, especially people in America. Over the decades, she saw how many court cases had manifested over the light of spiritual work. There was one such case, to do with a female spiritual teacher and healer from South Africa. South Africa have done great with their spiritual growth, it pleased wisdom, to see that they were making good progress with their spiritual evolution.

Wisdom saw how people 'fought' over it, and while they were 'fighting' over the cause of truth, their own potential was going up in 'smoke', like their nations are doing, due to what they are afraid of. That is why wisdom asked them to seek within to heal it.

Wisdom gave respect to everyone, she was impartial in her choices. She gave people a lot of credit, then watched how they spent it. Just like Jesus spoke about the talents, he also gave credit, and then watched what they did with it.

That is why he gave the parables, to help people to comprehend how the light of love and true kindness, manifests to help humanity. The difference between those that chose wisely, and those that did not. Those that could be entrusted, as the winnowing fan in his hand, had been entrusted. He also predicted that those that had been given much, much would be asked of them.

She was born physically into a poor family, to help the poor. Of course, she had to do it herself first, before she could help others. That is why I shared the story of how the first star was born all of those decades ago. When the first star was gone, another was born, and so it went on and on, creating stars to light up the heavens, so that people in different realities could see their way. Do you know why she had 12 stars on her head?

After she had helped others in a particular reality, and location, then she was ready for the next phase of the divine plan, she never stood still for long in any reality, she was always on the move, due to there being a lot to do.

2014, is a seven year, a year for the woman of valor. Being noble in holiness, like only a bodhisattva can be. The Sons of Light understand now, and they wish for me to go forward, with the new social vision, of the next phase of the social visionary as ordained.

So did the bodhisattva become the Lord of the Breakthrough? You decide, for it is the Lord of the Breakthrough, that puts a stop to what the kings of the east are planning to do.

So how does she do it? Wisdom has the ability to step right over them, just like a horse can jump over the obstacles.


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