
Sunday 26 January 2014


I am not fond of Begley's voice, even though he is shouting, 'Are you serious'.

This happened at the Vatican in Rome and has been posted today by an American Christian, known as Nessie, bless her heart.

In ancient Greece the prophetesses were called doves. This is the same day that the LORD spoke and he said to yours truly.

'You are the Keeper of the Gates' See the previous post, 'Keeper of the Gates'.

What is so important about today? 26th January, 2014?

26 is the gematria value of the name of God.

The 26th of January is the 'Day of Self-Belief'.

In the Jewish calendar it is 'Hayom Yom' today.

Does the Pope of Rome have the keys to open the gates? Is he the 'Keeper of the Gates?'.

What does scripture say about it?

Declare your praises in the gates of Daughter Zion, and there rejoice in your salvation. Psalm 9:14

'He strengthens the bars of your gates, and blesses your people within you'. Psalm 147:13

'Open the gates so that the righteous nation may enter, the nation that keeps faith'. Isaiah 26:2

In the video, Paul mentioned that the Vatican's Pope is going to Philadelphia, and in 2008, the Prince of Peace Philadelphia Church burned to the ground. The paraclete had landed on American soil, it was a major sign from the LORD. For it is written in scripture that if they built upon the foundations of Jesus with building materials, it would burn in the flames.

Jesus knew that Daughter Zion was coming in the last days of the end times. He also knew her name. As it is written in scripture, so it is written on her birth certificate. It is written that when he healed the female child, he also said her name, and it means, 'Arise', 'Rise Up', 'Raised Up'.

The cause of truth of the peaceful governor, with the measure of well-being.

In the meantime, those that did not support the divine plan of Angels Healing Trust, to provide healing domes for children, can thank themselves. Instead of being in a safe healing environment, hundreds of British children in the UK landed up in police cells. [1] Are you happy now?


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