
Tuesday 14 January 2014


On the 6th of January, 2014, it was written on this blog, that the 'The fire will come down now'. I was busy helping other people at the time, so my utmost attention, and purest attention was focussed on them. I saw this mandala around that time.

While I was away from the social network, something happened in our community, and they were warned in advance about the 'two steps' that they would take, and if they took those two steps what would happen. It was their choice to do what they did. Eight days later, where's the log in, so that I can do the Q & A?

Hence, I kept telling people to choose wisely for years, and that wisdom had come to help them to make the upright choices in their lives. Due to their choices impacting upon themselves, their community and the rest of humanity. Responsibility is part of the spiritual law of the cosmos. We are responsible for our actions, and the intention has to be pure, for the prosperity of miracles from the heavens to come abundantly.

Spiritual elders often arrive on the path of others, to show the younger generations, the signposts so that they can choose for themselves, which direction to go into. The direction that they feel is the best way forward for them, their dreams, and their future. Helping others to co-create their dreams, and manifest miracles, is truly wonderful to witness.

I have been one of those spiritual elders that has been blessed to see those miracles happen often, and as the prophecies predict, the wonders will astound them. Those that have witnessed miracles co-created by their own hands, are truly, the real social visionaries.

After the the heavenly Father spoke about the fire on the 6th, a meteor showed impacted upon New England, in the USA. I was not surprised at all. It also links into the vision that I was given of the fireworks on my left, in the West, and the rescue operation on my right in the East. You may remember that the 'White Rabbit' with loppy ears was in the North, and the ruby red tap dancing slippers were in the South. As the heavenly Father said in 2013, 'Tap on Wood'. LORD keep us.

The message about the 'fire coming down', was posted at the end of the 'Seadog', blogpost, and he has shared with me about what is happening with the rain in Canada and its environment. His life experience, and knowing of what is happening scientifically on the planet, is beyond measure.

I saw a lovely dog with him yesterday, it was a large husky dog, like the ones that you see with Eskimos. It was like a liondog to look at, and it was that coloring.

Yesterday, I also saw a plane on my left, and it was coming towards, the color of that plane was also chocolate brown. Today on my right, I saw a small white light.

The 'Weather Girls', delivered a song, 'Raining Men', the heavenly Father just said 'entropy', again. 

In this song, that Geri Halliwell is singing, its also sharing with you about the Revelation, and imparts to you, about the woman spoken about in it. The dancer that did dance in the rain, and she sang, singing in the rain, when doing so. She also used to sing and dance to, New York, New York, at the end of the night, in the night club. Usually, the first on the dance floor, and the last to leave it. She loved to get the dancing going. When she danced alone, others would come to join her, and then very soon afterwards, the dance floor would be full, and she could leave it to have a drink. Of course, the owner loved to watch her dance, and the DJ's, knew all the songs that she liked.

In pure intention, she had done what was in her heart, to look to the dance, that she did for others. Dancing gave her such a sense of freedom, free to move, exactly as her body required her to do so.

To keep her in peak fitness, by releasing any and all tension. And to enable her to dance to songs of love, the love songs, the words, and the stars that were in her heart. Just like she held her parents in her heart, they were excellent dancers, both of them, and her younger sibling, he set the dance floor alight.

The Weather Girls song speaks of the divine intervention with the angels during the Rev 12 timeline that was completed in December 2008. You can see that she knew how to spar, and I said to a friend the other day, 'You wish to spar with me? We will end up on the floor laughing our heads off'.

Laughter is great medicine, so smile when you dance. You use more muscles in your face when you smile. Happiness is healthy for you and your being, and that is why she wrote a book about her recovery, and how that happiness was found within. After many years, her clients asked her to put life experience, and the wisdom gained from it, into a book. They were served handsomely, in more ways than one.

The only angels that ever stood against the wondrous woman from heaven, were those that required healing at a very deep level of being. Those that truly know her heart, know it to be true. They can feel her in their hearts, when they connect in the heart with her. Then the power of love is awesomeness, and she loves to light matches in heaven for others.

In the song 'Its Raining Men', there is this lovely lyric.

God bless Mother Nature, she's a single woman too
She took off to heaven and she did what she had to do
She taught every angel to rearrange the sky
So that each and every woman could find her perfect guy
It's Raining Men! Yeah!

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