
Tuesday 7 January 2014


This beautiful song released in 1997, 'Tell Him that you love him'. In the days when this song was released, love was indeed spreading, like a fire that was engulfing the spiritual community, that I found myself in. The love that poured out of the hearts of the healers, and spiritual teachers was immense.

Hand in hand, side by side, in the front line together.

When a person has lived in such a community of love, in such a love union with each other, it stays with you forever. The love poured out upon the world, its expression that crossed every new frontier together, just like Prophet Joel described.

It was love defined beyond measure. Divine love in manifestation on the earth plane.

There are such beautiful lyrics to the song, especially those sung by Barbara Streisand. So this was one of the songs that I shared with a new community, when I joined them. To spread the love across the world, like an artist spreads their paint, gently.

Barbara sings of being, 'With my heart out in hand, but what you must understand, you can't let the chance, to love him, pass you by'.

'Love will be the gift, you give yourself'.

'The truth will set you free, you will have what is meant to be'.

'All in time, you'll see'.

'Love is light that surely glows, in the hearts of those that know. Its a steady flame that grows'.

'Feed the fire with all the passion you can show, tonight love will assume its place'.

'This memory, time cannot erase, your faith will lead love to where it has to go'.

Did you ever tremble when the LORD spoke through you? Do you have any comprehension of the power of his energy? You have to be so highly, and finely tuned, to ensure that it doesn't shatter you and your consciousness completely. That is why the self-purification is so essential, to ensure that the love that you redeem from within you, can withstand the power of his vibration, HIS Spirit that can be bestowed upon you, just as it was bestowed upon yours truly.

The pure of heart shall see his face, those that come from the purest intention, shall see his face, the Son of God, was correct about the heavenly Father. The Spirit of God is awesome. To know him, is to love him, with all of your heart. To the point that nothing else matters, only his divine will for you. For he has your best interests in his pure, merciful, righteous heart of justice.

So tell him that you love him, praise him for what he has done.

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