
Saturday 18 January 2014


There is a lovely verse of the day today that includes the following words. 

'You will shine among them, like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life'. 

It does relate to the heart of communication, for it truly is a healing art. Those involved in the healing arts, and the healing of hearts, were blessed with the articles. The Spirit gives that which gives life; and sometimes that comes as a blessing in disguise. 

For how could anyone truly know the power of the word, unless they lived it truly and wholeheartedly?

The word given by the divine Spirit, surpasses everything, as it was ordained to do. However, it is the integration of that surpassing that is essential to behold. For beauty, truly is in the eye of the beholder, and has always been so. All that was done, was done for love, in the name of the LORD. 

The heavenly Father is speaking of 'Entropy' again.

I have often written, that 'In the beginning was the word', is the most profound statement ever made. 

The incarnation of the word of life. 'That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen, with our own eyes, which we have looked at, which we have touched, this we proclaim, 
concerning the word of life'. 1 John 1:1

In Revelation chapter 22 it speaks of the prophecy and the Holy City. Its numeric was giving a clear message to its readers about the sheer importance of the 2022 prophecy, For that verse is 22:19. 

If you add up those numbers you get 41. 4+1 = 5 and five is the numeric of physical manifestation. 

As we know, the holy city is also to do with New Jerusalem, and the book of Revelation also tells the people that it was always the divine plan for a person to be given the location. They knew that a second instrument of the LORD would come, and that is why the Son of God, and all of the Jewish prophets and mystics left messages of how to find the wondrous woman from heaven. 

It is written that Prophet Isaiah spoke to King Hezekiah after his recovery, and Isaiah asked the King, what did those men say, and where did they come from? The King told Isaiah that they had come from a distant land,  'envoys from babylon'. Isaiah asked him 'what did they see in your palace?'  

Hezekiah had shown them everything and because of that, his 'children and descendants were to become eunuchs in babylon.'.  Why did he do that? He sought peace and security in his lifetime. In so doing, Hezekiah sacrificed his own children, for the security and peace outside of himself. Isaiah 39. 

Peace and security that can only truly be found within. The Proverbs explain what can be found in the palaces of the Kings, and to a man, every home is his castle. So you can be sure that there was someone that was advising him to do what he did. The question is, was it a man or a woman that was behind it? 

Was it his wife, friend or advisor?

Would you sacrifice your children for peace and security? Is that why many Americans joined the military and went to war?

The LORD asked for mercy, not sacrifice. Has the LORD said 'Hesed'. 


Isaiah 39 explains the spiritual law regarding the 'eunuchs', and why some are born that way. They are descendants of those that sacrificed their children, for the sake of security and peace in their lifetime. 

Now do you comprehend why, I did not share all of the truth that I know with anyone? Now do you comprehend why my website has not been updated since 2005, when it was written for a specific divine purpose?

Daughter Zion, returned from the mission to the USA, wiser than before. Daughter Jerusalem, had been shown what the LORD chose for her to see and experience. Micah 4. It was enough! It was enough when he burnt the Church in Philadelphia to the ground when she arrived on their soil. 

America was given what it was meant to see, hear, and touch, when the LORD sent her to see the American doves. I can assure you that Jesus was at my side when I spoke to them in their home. 

He spoke gently in my ear at the time about them and he said, 'that he doesn't count the amount of sacred sites you have visited, he counts the amount of people that you have saved'. The American doves were more interested in their traveling to sacred sites, and their ISIS, then they were in saving souls, or their nation from what was coming upon it. As it was predicted, my generation would be judged for what they had done, when wisdom arrived in the South. 

The USA were given plenty of opportunity to change their ways, and nothing can change that now, it is too late. Only when peace is their governor, and well-being is their ruler, will the seed of Esau be delivered by the hand of Joseph. In the meantime, the prophecy of Obadiah continues, and as the LORD said, 'The fire will come down now'. 

They were given the flame of Joseph to help them, now they will get the fire of Jacob for doing what they did. For they shall return to that which is sacred, they shall turn their hearts to the children, or they will leave the planet. 

ELI ZIYYON has spoken, with the divine authority to do so. The divine court of the LORD, sits graciously, and mercifully, in her knowing and experience that spans decades, not just decades, millenniums. And yes, I am as sober as a judge, this is the sober decade. 

Now is the time to respond to those that respond to the holy ones, and those that ask for help, and so it shall be done, in the name of the LORD. For it is his will for it to be so. For those that ask for help with the healing, or to make a breakthrough, only those shall she help now, in the will of the LORD. 

Always remember that when a miracle has been delivered, it must be honored truly, truly honored in trustful loyalty to the divine. 

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