
Tuesday 7 January 2014


The heavenly Father said, 'Express', so I took a look at the Express and there is lots going on with the planes. The heavenly Father spoke about the 'Plane' on the 6th December, 2013. [1] That post mentions the USA, (Micah 4) and my plane tickets were meant to be paid for, you can be sure Michael remembers that Marion.

As the heavenly Father said, 'They never pay'.  Well everything as a cost in life, especially in the spiritual law of the cosmos of the divine court.

So let's see what have we got on the 'plane', on the 6th January, there was a report of a plane crash at an airport in the US state of Colorado. On the 5th, a plane skidded off the runway into a pile of snow at JFK. Plane made an emergency landing on New York city road and the 'Statue of Liberty' is mentioned.

While I am reviewing what is going on with the planes, just seen one from the 31st December, 2013, it was a Virgin flight. British holiday makers landed on a flooded runway in the storm-hit St Lucia. Wonder if I know anyone that was in that flight. Richard Branson has certainly had lots of warnings, from train 'derailments', Virgin flights, and even his own home burning down.

So what else is the EXPRESS to do with? TRAINS, high speed trains. I remember that in 2013, I was shown a vision of an express train, that was coming towards me and it had no front to it. The train was directed, into the direction that it should go into, and it was to go the right way, and not full steam ahead  that it was looking at.

Last night, the heavenly Father also spoke about the fire coming down now, and the other evening, I saw fire turning into ice, and ice turning into fire. To express, can also mean that you have to express it, it cannot be contained within a person when the heavenly Father speaks to you clairaudiently. Once expressed, miracles can happen, just like it has happened for Seadog. A fast response to his plight. We don't sit around talking about it, we get on with it, and what has to be done to help the elders that have helped generations of children. So yes, the children do help those that are worthy to be helped. Those that have worked hard, to help them over the years.

So keep an eye open for that 'EXPRESS', because it also applies to buses and coaches as well.

No Christmas 2013, meant no holidays and traveling in this winters weather. If you do travel, then you do so at your own risk. That's it, they're all going to be grounded now.


USAF, helicopter HH-60G 'Pave Hawk' has gone down, Cley-Next-to-the-Sea, at North Norfolk. [2]




  1. Train carrying oil 'derails', catching fire in Canada. As we know Seadog is Canadian and in Canada. So you were given the location in this blog post.

  2. There has been another US military helicopter go down near the coast of Virginia.

  3. Mars Express
