
Monday 13 January 2014


All day long today, the heavenly Father is saying the avatar name of the American interviewer ', that did the '2022', radio interview with me weekend before last. 


Ok, I can really feel heat now, it is so very hot. Everything is heating up at a very fast pace. 

Entropy is to do with 'Thermodynamics', its also to do with a specific direction of progress. Sometimes called an 'Arrow of Time'. Like the hand on the clock. Apparently, in cosmology, they have have been talking about the universe being fated with a 'heat death', on the planet since the 19th century. That does align with the prophecy that I received in the 90's about the planet hotting up, and that it would be too hot, to live to near to the equator. However, scientists have different views and perspectives on what the outcome of that heat will be. 

When I received that prophecy it wasn't normal sleep state in the mid 90's, just to explain further, I would be working in the office and then suddenly I would become very sleepy, so I would then go and lay down, doze off, and then the loud voice thundered, and it would wake me up, with the sound of it. 

At that time, I went into a local healing centre, and shared with them what I had been experiencing. The spiritual healer recommended that I read a book called the 'Sleeping Prophet', its about Edgar Cayce, that received a lot of his prophecies in altered state of dream state. 

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