
Monday 23 December 2013


Following on from the 'Pelican Prophecy' post. Let us take a deeper look at the 'FRIAR' that the LORD spoke of in 2011. As we know 'Friar' is the name given to an order within the Roman Catholic Church, mostly associated with St Francis. If you go to Assisi in Italy, it is like stepping back in time, as you see them walking there in the old city. Their presence can also be seen in Jerusalem, in Israel and there is a Carmelite monastery at Mount Carmel.

The English term 'Friar', is derived from the Norman French word 'Frere' = brother, from the Latin 'Frater' = brother. It is written that in the Latin New Testament, the term referred to members of the Christian community. A Friar makes a vow to live in poverty, chastity and obedience in service to society.

It is written that there are four great orders of ''Friars'.

1. The Dominicans.
2. The Franciscans
3. The Carmelites
4. The Augustinians

Then there are nine lesser orders. [2]

However, if we go to the Greek lexicon, the word for Brother is 'Adelphos' and it has an origin of Delfus, the womb. It is found mentioned in the book of Revelation. Apostle John referred to himself as 'Adelphos'. Rev 1:9. In Rev 6:11, the Adelphos are wearing white robes. Just like I was found wearing white in the Galilee of the Gentiles with the spiritual community of healers and mystics. The word 'Adelphos', can also mean 'Brethren' and the mystical healers of humanity are certainly my brethren.

The word 'Brethen', e.g Adelphos can also be seen in Rev 12:10, and as we know, the wondrous woman from heaven defended the healing angels in that timeline with Archangel Michael. That timeline was completed in December 2008 and it overlapped with Micah 4 for daughter Zion.

Rev 19:10, it is found again. Rev 22:9, the brethren are referred to as prophets.

The 'Swinging Friar', is the mascot for the 'San Diego Padres'. It has been their mascot since 1958.

That reminds me of the message that the 'Christians are stuck in a swing'. It all makes sense now.

There is 'adelphos', and then there is its opposite in Greek. The word is transliterated as 'Pseudadelphos'. The root of the word can be found in Matthew 5:11.

A word for 'brother', in the Hebrew Lexicon is Rea and Rea links to one of my Spiritual hosts in Israel.




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