
Sunday 1 December 2013

Shield of Faithfulness

Christians are wondering whether Daniel 2:34-35 relates to comet ISON. It mentions how the 'iron, the clay', the 'brass', the 'silver', and the 'gold' are 'broken pieces' and became like the chaff of the summer threshing floors. It mentions how the stone that 'smote the image' became a great mountain, and filled the earth.

The threshing is mentioned in Micah 4. Daughter Zion/Daughter Jerusalem. Threshing can be found in Greek spirituality. That is why the NT mentions the winnowing fan in the hand of Christos. Christos was also a word spoken of in Greek philosophy. Plato spoke of it in 350BC, due to the quality of a man that he was speaking to and what he said to Plato. 

When people said Jesus was Christos, he would not accept it for himself. In some biblical translations it is translated as 'good', from Greek it is translated as 'excellent'. Jesus knew that wisdom would come in the last days of the end times. That is why he said 'Wisdom will be proven right by her words'. 'Wisdom will be proven right by her deeds'. That is why Rev 13 called for wisdom to do the count on the man. 

Daughter Zion was sent to help Israel the land where their Jewish son, known as Jesus walks with us. However, the book of Revelation also predicts that he has a new name in this timeline. There are many prophecies that have been fulfilled. Micah 4 also shares with you how she was sent to the USA as well.

Psalm 88, David is complaining and crying for the two blessed instruments that the LORD sent. King David received the revelation about them both, so of course what is happening on the planet would impact on him greatly in this timeline. 

Most people are saying that the comet ISON is gone. Wonders will astound them. Isaiah 29. 

The Harp of Faithfulness lives, and the Lute of Lovingkindness exists. Lovingkindness shall not go to the grave on my watch. Faithfulness shall not be destroyed. Trustful loyalty is here, in faithfulness to lovingkindness, and the LORD that sent us both. Prophecy tells us, that is it the combination of us both that has had a resounding impact on David. David is charitable and merciful.

Christians like the book of Daniel, so I shared a link on ELOKIM. [1]

The prophecies share with us that the Harp of Faithfulness is your shield, she was sent to shield those that were willing to be shielded by her faithfulness. In the name of the LORD. Psalm 91. Just as she shielded David, another reason why he cries, he knows that she was in the firing line to defend the elect.  He knows that she did it all for love.  The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will flourish in the courts of ELOKIM. Psalm 92 mentions the righteous. 

When I was in Israel in 2006, I found myself in the 'House of Palms'. I shared the message with the lady that owned the log cabins. She joyfully shared with me, that they had began to build a place where women could give birth in water. She was a blessed American Jewish Israeli, midwife. She was married to an Israeli Yemenite. Both of them met due to their charitable work with children.

She shared with me that they had planted palm trees in that location. When I returned to Israel in 2007, I was taken to the location to see the palm trees growing at the birth place. I was also blessed that they took me to a wedding at the sea of galilee close to Tiberias in 2006. Always in my heart.

Wonders will never cease. Psalm 88 mentions lovingkindness and faithfulness. In 2007, when I was in Safed, I felt the strong energy of Jesus in that mystical city. While I was there, I was offered to go to see the graves of the famous Rabbis that are buried there. I responded, 'no thank you'.

I had no interest in going to the graves of the Rabbi's in Israel. Now Psalm 88 is shown to me, and the mention of Lovingkindness -v- grave. Lovingkindness does not go to any graves of Rabbi's,  faithfulness shall not be destroyed. Wonders will never cease. Wonders will astound them. Isaiah 29.

I can view the mandala's as a shield of faithfulness, for they defend our blessed ones like a breastplate to defend their innocent hearts. 

You can view me as a sweet juicy orange that was grafted in, a citrus fruit that defends the righteous against cancer. The flame of Joseph that overcome the onset of tragedy in her 20's. While she was pregnant with her son, she was compelled to eat oranges. 

In the Rev 12 timeframe, Archangel Michael blessed us with the wonderful fruit, he taught us how to turn that orange inside out, to defend the heart of humanity of the sun. He taught us how to become strong on the inside, and soft on the outside.  He taught us about the power of communication in the name of the LORD. The heart of communication is definitely an art, just like the mandalas are art that was compelled by the LORD. 

Now we make a healthy orange, carrot and coriander soup for you. So that the righteous can flourish like a palm tree in the sun. We make celery, leek and potato soup, so that the poor can defend their adrenals and their kidneys in this timeframe of the 'Saturn in Scorpio' transit. We make corn fritters and Lotus Corn Soup to maximize your energy. We take the 'Cod Liver Oil' and the 'Silica' to assist you to defend your eyes that are pure, the silica complex is for hair, skin and nails. 

We moisturize the skin with palm oil and coconut oil. We drink coconut milk, we wash our teeth with coconut oil as well. On the first round we gave you the Spiritual freedom campaign to defend your divine right to heal as Jesus healed. We gave you Angels Healing Trust, the mission of compassion and mercy for depressed and suicidal children, then the Love Union with a brief from Jesus himself. 

We gave you Angel and Ascended Master flower essence remedy combinations for healing and ascension. We gave you healing meditations for the heart. Healing training courses, and a new empowerment model for ascension. We gave you ascension workshops, and millennium prophecy lectures. 

Now we develop the healing food recipes and bring forth the appropriate nutrients that are Christos for you. Always energizing people to innovate change, with spiritual psychology that was ordained and divinely guided. So that your spiritual gifts can expand its potential with all of its healing nutrients. 

We bring forth human rights, your freedom of speech, privacy, and the rights to housing for the poor. We shield with faithfulness, and the justice that it brings to the vulnerable. The Spirit of Truth is here. 

Daughter Zion will be vindicated, you can be sure of that. However, in the meantime the shielding of the righteous continues in righteousness.  When the LORD brought a young spiritual son, to support his will, it helped her to forget, just like Joseph had cause to forget what had taken place. So now in her heart, she has two sons from two different timeframes. With their help, she was able to carry on doing the will of the LORD. They both supported her in a practical way, at different times. She is not alone, there are many that love her around the world. 

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