
Wednesday 18 December 2013


On the 15th of December, 2013, the heavenly Father said, 'Muse' and there is a band called 'Muse' who released a song called 'Uprising'. Wiki share the following with us.

In Greece the Muses were embodiments and sponsors of performed metrical speech; mousike (hence the English term “music’.) Source link speaks of the concept of courtly love and romantic poets. Adam was a romantic poet, and so was the RAB. 

The Roman scholar Varro relates that there are only three Muses: one who is born from the movement of water, another who makes sound by striking the air, and a third who is embodied only in the human voice. They were Melete or Practice, Mneme or Memory and Aoide or Song.

According to Pindar ‘to carry a mousa’ is ‘to excel in the arts’. The Muses were ‘the key to the good life’ and brought both prosperity and friendship. 

John Milton, opening of Book 1 of Paradise Lost:
Of Man’s first disobedience, and the fruit
Of that forbidden tree whose mortal taste
Brought death into the World, and all our woe,
With loss of Eden, till one greater Man
Restore us, and regain the blissful Seat,
Sing, Heavenly Muse, [...]

Sharon Stone also appeared in a film called ‘Muse’ in 1999, its a story of how a muse inspired a screenwriter and his wife. 

‘Muse’, and that led me to this article from New Scientist about the ‘Orange Banana’ to boost the eyes of children to 'stop blindness'.

The banana is also known as Musa


The following morning, I was chatting on-line,  I was giving some guidance someone in the USA, and they were told that there was 'dark times' coming for the USA. That something would happen in California with Islam. That he would fly away from California, and go to a place of gold, where there are angels. So I took a look at Islam in California, this link came up and on the front page it mentions a talk about Moses.

Musa in Arabic is a name for Moses, and it can be found in Surah 18. 

That Surah speaks of people creating ‘hell as an entertainment for disbelievers’.

Goodness gracious me.

How could anyone ever imagine that people would be willing to accept that ‘hell as an entertainment’ has come from God? Truly people are required to open their eyes, and have their ears tested if they do. Do you comprehend? Do you comprehend what has been co-created in music, and films to impact on nations and cultures? Do you comprehend the impact that has had on the consciousness of children?

'And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another and all the more as you see the Day approaching'. Hebrews 10:24-27.

'A temple was decorated with quite a few statues stolen from Greece, including a set of Muses and a Venus (properly an Aphrodite, actually) by the famous sculptor Praxiteles.'

As we know the Romans 'taxed' the poor, created an empire, and they still do, via the USA and its Church that supports it. The Romans were intent on taking over nations and countries, and every time Julius Caesar won a military intervention, he built a temple to Felicitas because the result made him happy.

As we know, there are different types of happiness. Its important that people know the difference, in terms of states and levels of consciousness. A person that is truly happy within, would not build a temple building for worship. That is why there are to be no temples of worship in New Jerusalem. 

There was a response: 

You remind me of the following

"I am the vine, and you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will bear much fruit; for you can do nothing without me. (John 15:5)

Truth is, that the vine always was meant to be Joseph. That is why the flame of Joseph walked over the wall in Jerusalem in Israel. That is why the LORD ordained that she walked over the wall in England too. Just like the vine that climbs over a wall. She climbed those steps in Jerusalem, Israel. Over the heads of the orthodox.

She climbed those steps at Clifford's Tower, in York, where they set fire to the Jewish people. At that time, her heart was set on fire, due to what the Christian orthodox had done to innocent Jewish people. How could she ever forget that day? Knowing full well it was very, very important, that she feel it!

She climbed those steps at St Paul's, she went beyond, she climbed Jacob's ladder. The LORD put them under his chosen Lotus Feet.

The LORD ordained that the name that daughter Zion was given at birth, would be written in every land, and nation for his glory. Can the LORD boast at his creation? He enjoys to do so, for his pleasure.

He chose to give her a new name, for his divine purpose of fulfillment of his divine plan; to raise up the nations with her. How clever is he, to ensure that from the very beginning, she was to be, the perfection that he created.

How wonderful is he, in the way he astounds them. All I can do is praise him, praise the LORD for his creation, that has impacted on the world and its generations.

How mighty is he, that he poured out her life upon humanity, the divine rain that keeps everything growing. How mighty is he, that shone the sunshine from her heart to heat up the love of hearts in others. How amazing is he, that he sent her humbly, to help the humble in his name. 

The shield of faithfulness. Psalm 91. 

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