
Friday 13 December 2013

Lotus Chicken Sate

I have been having some dried cranberries with breakfast, and in soup, also goij berries in my chosen smoothie last week. 

The heavenly Father asked for 'Curry and Fruit', so I had some chicken sate last night with pineapple.

Soya sauce is also good, and I really like chicken sate with the coconut milk. 

So here is the recipe for two people. 

2-3 small chicken breasts sliced small and thin. 

One cut and sliced onion sauted in the garlic and soya sauce with the chicken. Add a couple of teaspoons of palm oil, it gives a great flavor. Soya sauce is good for the pituitary gland, that impacts on the optic nerve. The pituitary gland also impacts on the adrenals that impact on the kidneys. 

Add a good sprinkle of ground ginger. Four heaped teaspoons of peanut butter. When the chicken is nearly done, then add half a tin of coconut milk. As we know, coconut is a miracle cure. You could also use coconut oil instead of palm oil if you wish. However, I am aware that palm oil is less expensive to use, than coconut oil for cooking. Palm oil also has an important compound, that is excellent for nutrition. 

Add a couple of fresh chili's, sliced thinly. 

Black pepper to taste. 

Bob's your uncle. 


When cooked put in the oven on a low heat. While cooking some brown rice to go with it. Of course you could cook the brown rice at the same time as the chicken sate. Brown rice takes longer to cook, after you have brought the water to the boil, add the brown rice, boil for 5-10 minutes then simmer on a low heat until cooked. Brown rice as a nutty flavor and its very good for you. 

When serving the chicken sate on the rice, you can then put cut pineapple all around the edge of the serving. You can also add some of the pineapple juice to the dish if you wish while cooking. 

Happy eating, healing foods. 

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