
Saturday 7 December 2013


Following on from the 'National Tragedy UK', [1] post. We now have news from RT to do with the choice of 'Eat or Heat'. When the conservative government were in power during the Maggie Thatcher era, they sold off our energy companies and natural resources to private enterprise. In so doing, it created companies that had to make huge profits to enable those companies to provide dividends to their shareholders. In so doing, the people that are paying large heating bills, are actually paying the shareholders in those companies. In the divine court, all shareholders and investors in those companies and corporations have been charged with the 'starvation of children'.

What a child requires is healthy food, a warm home in the winter time, and their own bedrooms. All three have been removed from the children of this nation, by the British government and its policy makers.

My mother once gave me a prayer, and I used to say it a lot. 'God grant me the Serenity to accept the things that I cannot change. The courage to change the things that I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

I was blessed to be granted all three. Serenity, Courage and Wisdom. Little did I know at that time, the importance of the manifestation, or the fact that wisdom was ordained to come to be in the Rev 13 timeline. As Jesus said 'Wisdom will be proven right by her actions', Wisdom will be proven right by her words'.

I associate courage mainly with the Archangel Michael timeline, and Rev 12. The courage of the wondrous woman from heaven, to speak the truth dauntlessly, in the face of the adversity of the iron fist. Archangel Michael flower essence combination remedy is also for courage.

For years we have been warning the people to a) move away from the coastlines, for they will be taken by the sea. B) to get off the grid, and live ecologically and self-sustainably. Free energy does exist, yet governments and corporations will not allow the people to have access to it. As such, many will pass over this wintertime, and there has already been 'suicides' due to the bedroom tax. What the British government have co-created, along with the energy companies, is what is known legally as 'Procurement of Suicide'. They should all be taken to court, and be charged accordingly.

1. Legally
2. Scientifically
3. Peacefully

Enough is enough.

The Divine Court exists.

The LORD is in his temple, and in 2009 the herald delivered the prophecy of Habakkuk. 'The peoples labor is fuel for the fire. The nations exhaust themselves for nothing'. Just like Obama, the labor party and Lib Dems.

What did they do to this nation? Today, there is other news that links into the prophecy of Habakkuk. It is about a Somali Muslim asylum-seeker. The prophecy predicted that 'Disgrace would cover their glory', and it tells the Muslims to drink, due to what they have done.

'The cup of the LORD's right hand is coming around to you, and disgrace will cover your glory'. Hab 2:16 

In the photograph, the woman is wearing a Leopard style hijab, [2] and the Leopard appears in Rev 13 and the book of Daniel.  In the Zephaniah prophecy of the Virgin -v- Obama, it is written that his followers have faces like Leopards.




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