
Monday 4 November 2013


The LORD said, 'They've got Mensa on to it', and then he laughed. Every time they think they have cracked it, he moves the goal posts. Big smiles! Anyway, I took a look to see what Mensa have been up to, and there is a story about a two year old that has become the youngest child to join Mensa.

It is written that the baby could read a book at the age of 23 months, yet, he wasn't even potty trained.  There is the difference in values between the academics, and the natural mother and baby. My baby was clean during the day at 8-9 months, and clean of a  night at 11-12 months.  What does the natural mother value more highly, that a child comprehends the motions of its own body, or that a baby can read a book? It is more important that the child is clean, and understand the basics of life and living.

Its more important that a baby is allowed to be a baby. Whereas the parents of young Adam Kirby have pumped the child with academia since pregnancy. I dare not even contemplate the long term implications of what they are doing to the health of that child. Perhaps British Mensa should concentrate on learning the very basics of life, and how love is far more important than academia. Mensa should not encourage parents to do what they do to children.

In the video it is plainly obvious what the parents have done to baby Adam. [1]

If a child is a genius, then fine, allow it to just be natural. There is nothing natural about what the parents of Adam Kirby have done. If it was natural, he would have been clean long before 23 months.

I can smell oranges.



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