
Thursday 7 November 2013

Justice and Faithfulness

When justice came through the harp of faithfulness there were good results and outcome. The scar on her left leg brought £3,500 and the insurers had to pay. So did the night club owner in his premiums. The 'Personal Injury' lawyer was fantastic. That was in the 80's. 

Then there was the case when David, my Creative Director and I went to court to receive payment for creative work that we had done, and the client was refusing to pay the bill. The judge decided that the evidence that we provided was correct, the client had approved the proofs prior to printing. So the client had to pay. 

The more important case was when my corporate lawyer found a tiny little aspect that turned everything into our favor during the last recession. The light in his eyes were like a magnifying glass. 

It was a miracle that he found what he did in the paperwork. He looked at my paperwork and compared it with their paperwork. He went through every line, in what we call in the UK, a 'tooth comb'.  He just kept at it, until he found what he was looking for, to bring justice to the righteous one. 

My house was at stake due to the arrears, and the mortgage company were trying to take it. 

The outcome of the case is that the financial advisor who arranged the mortgage, had also put through documentation on houses that I had not purchased, and he went to prison. He hadn't only done it to me, he had done it to others. We all had so many debits going out of our accounts, and he did it to his very best friends as well. It was only when the recession hit home, that we all took a serious look at our outgoings. That is when it all came into the light of day. 

I received £12,000 compensation, it was in the early 90's that was like receiving £20,000+ now. It paid off the arrears and a lot more. I am coming to that timeframe again astrologically, the horse steps on it this year. So it shall begin, if it pleases the LORD for justice to be done again for his holy one. They cannot be allowed to continue to do what they do to the poor. With the might of the LORD, may justice be done. 

Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, recognizes the right to housing as part of the right to an adequate standard of living. It states that: “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control”

In International human rights law, the right to housing is regarded as a freestanding right. 

What the British government and its housing associations are doing, is known as 'Procurement of Suicide', and there have been various 'suicides' since the 'Bedroom Tax' was introduced. As such, it could also be referred to as 'Corporate Manslaughter', and 'Corporate Negligence' because the UK is a Corporation and so are its councils. In the Jesus prophecies about this timeline, he warned his true followers about how the councils would 'flog' the people. So be very aware of what is taking place in your local community. 

There is also what is known as 'Legal Bullying', the local councils, and the housing associations are certainly involved in that, and it relates to how they use their legal terminology and  paperwork to 'punish' the people. Does it remind you of the banks and their paperwork? 

In 2000, the MOD defined it as 'abuse of authority to intimidate others' and that is exactly what the finance departments of the housing associations and local councils are involved with; backed by the British government. However, in recent weeks a judge ordered that all small rooms must be exempt from the 'Bedroom Tax', and the UN reporter on housing ordered that the 'bedroom tax' must be 'abolished' altogether. 

I will add in divine authority, that all monies that have been paid by the poor, must be returned to them. Those responsible for implementing the 'Bedroom Tax' against the people, must face class action court cases against them. 

The British government, councils, and housing associations, are 'intimidating others' due to their 'abuse of authority', to make people rent out their small rooms to strangers, or to move.  When in fact, they are 'not rentable' on the open market due to the tiny size of them. Who is the British government to order and force the people to live with a person that they do not know? How dare they make a rule on such a thing, when it involves the lives of people who are vulnerable to their man made laws? 

Seriously, do they have any comprehension of what consciousness is about, including its auric fields that can bring energetic disease with a person? Seriously, how many rooms does Elizabeth rent out? How many people does she live with? How about Prince Charles, or Cameron and all the MP's that vote for such laws as the 'Bedroom Tax', and austerity upon the poor, the most vulnerable of society? 

While they carry on sipping their champagne, increasing their own salaries by £10,000 a year, at the cost of the tax payers? 

What we require is a class action lawsuit for justice to be done for the poor. 

Shall humanity bow to nature? The LORD's Creation? Or shall it wait until it is gone and then it would be too late. Many civilizations have been wiped out, it wouldn't be the first time that nature has responded to what man does to each other, to woman, children, mother earth and her species.

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