
Wednesday 6 November 2013

Israel did what Jesus said

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Matthew 5:6 

'Blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear.' Matthew 13:16 

There is no nation that hungered for righteousness to come like Israel did. 

They were blessed exactly as Jesus predicted that they would be. 

Righteousness arrived. 

Always in my heart, the nation and land of Israel. 

No surprise then that this posted at exactly 18:18, 18+18 = 36

'Righteousness delivers from death'. Proverbs 11:4. That is very true,'The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and the one who is wise saves lives." Proverbs 11:30 

Saving lives can come in many different ways, from healing to advance warnings. 

From sharing truth to compassionate action. 

From spiritual guidance to discipline. 

From divine love of forgiveness, compassion and mercy. 

From teaching healing training courses;
 to the love that was bestowed upon them with the holy Spirit. 

From fulfilling prophecy of righteousness that can save nations. 

From giving flower essences, direction, and spreading the paint. 

From the words of divine meditations to retrieving souls. 

From the sounds and vibrations of the healing instruments, 
to the food prepared with healing hands.  

From healing fruits to divine messages.

From integrity to honor and social justice. 

From noble character, to wisdom more precious than rubies. 

From heavenly Zion to Israel and return. 

From energizing innovative change; to emotive social evolution. 

From speaking charismatically, to purifying them in her tears. 

From writing prolifically, to making atonement on mount Carmel. 

From the scars with his name etched in the palm of her hand. 

From the rejection to the suffering, and prophecy fulfilled. 

From the rite of passage through many initiations to benefit humanity. 

From successful business woman, to the recluse and helping the outcasts. 

From a poor family of innocence to righteousness in manifestation. 

From friendship to the light and love of the brotherhood and sisterhood. 

From an Angel that taught others how to fly divine, to the sainthood of the Bodhisattva. 

From cleansing and clearing the land, 
to star gate openings, engagements with God and missions abroad. 

From opening doors for others with the right keys for healing consciousness. 

From human rights to the spiritual law of the cosmos. 

From Love Ambassador to Universal Peace Ambassador. 

From knowing to becoming master of realities. 

From divine guidance to cutting edge science, sharing a new paradigm. 

From sacred geometry to gematria. 

From crystal healing, to color and sound healing. 

From White Dove to Lotus Feet.

From her heart compelled with love, she came to you. 

From the calling to the summoning, the paraclete. 

From Angels Healing Trust and entrusted. 

From her life experience to the parables and the teaching of the prophets. 

From her love of nature to the healing of animals. and calming the storms. 

From teaching how to develop their intuition. to how to listen to their own bodies 
and comprehend the signs. 

From supreme love to ec0-living and exalting children to equality. 

From spiritual freedom campaigns, supporting good causes, 
and delivering the moral of life experience. 

From wellness, to wholeness and sacred divine words. 

All divine aspects of the blessings of righteousness,
 when you have the eyes to see it, 
ears to hear it, feel it, and know it. 

The love of Israel for this righteousness is beyond measure. 

Truly blessed, for justice is done in divine will of the Creator. 

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