
Friday 18 October 2013


While spreading the paint late last night the heavenly Father spoke to me and he said 'Tradewinds'. 

I dedicate this painting to Joseph in Africa, who offered me a home and a place to do my healing work. I would also like to honor Michael who was born in South Africa, he defended his brothers and sisters in Africa and the USA, he also defended me. He used to say that his skin was white, but his soul was African.

In the painting I see the arising of the African and Caribbean's, tradewinds for fairness and justice. I see them arising all around the world. I see the trumpet call, its like they were waiting for the right sound and they have been given a crown. The divine plan is unfolding and they are ready to take them on. They know that the LORD has given a blessing in perfect timing. He kept his promise.

I see the blue healing energy and a lot to do with energy, Joseph comprehends. I hope that he likes the painting and will keep it for prosperity. Blessings in abundance for a pure heart with pure intention. He has the eyes to see the light and an open heart that knows the truth. He knows the truth is spread abroad, just like the painting was spread in the light of truth.

Love beyond measure

Happy Lunar Eclipse on the 18th October, 2013.

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