
Tuesday 15 October 2013

SARA Mandala

I felt compelled to paint a mandala this evening for a lady with the name of Sara, and I was feeling this upcoming lunar eclipse while I was painting it. While I was painting I was also given the name Jesus, and I don't remember being given his name while painting a mandala before.

The mandala is mainly deep orange of the sun and turquoise the color of transformation. The mandala began with the centre and the swirling yellow energy of creativity on top of the orange.

I saw the white of purity and pastel pink of love. Baby colors, baby mats, baby rugs, blankets, and the sacred hoop like the surrounding of a pool where babies could splash safely in fresh water. I saw the transformational arrows pointing to the centre, making the point, I also saw a target.

I see a large table where people meet around it, the 'Mother's Table', I see mother's speaking about the ancient truths, also about culture and what was good about it. What is important to retain and bring forth again.  I see people sharing what they have made in cottons, wool and other fabrics, for their children, this is a fresh and clean energy. Made with love so that small children wear the garments made with love energy.



Women speaking about what really matters to them, what can be done about it, how to move forward with what they really care about for their babies and their future. I see a unity between the Native American mothers, and the spiritual mothers that know the true Christ teachings, and mothers of all colors with different ancestry. Energetically it is very strong, and powerful in a good way, and it can make a difference in the world.

While painting the mandala, I was also given 'Ice Cream', and 'Mint', as we know children love ice cream. How many mums make their own? I like mint with yoghurt and cucumber, and also on new potatoes. Traditionally cucumber has also been used in beauty treatments due to its calming effect.

The word 'Mint' comes from the Greek word 'mintha' and it likes to be near water.  This is a plant to be grown for a number of different uses although is especially good for mothers and babies. Like Peppermint, it can be drunk in a tea, as a herbal remedy, aromatherapy oil, or flower essence. Do not underestimate the power of mint that can help many health conditions.

In Greek mythology it is written that it was known as the 'herb of hospitality', due to its ability to clean the air and give a fresh fragrance to a home. In Europe it was used as a deodorizer. I can understand why Jesus has a connection with the mint and this symbol of hospitality. A reminder of Israel. In Syria, they also make a mint lemonade and it looks delicious. [1]

I see a window of opportunity for Sara, and its important that she seizes the opportunity that is there before her. There is much to be discussed with new mothers and older mothers. The benefit of life experience. Mothers and babies are the focus for that is where it begins. Healing mothers and babies in every reality including what they eat.  I see many people being drawn to her, many will come together. She will be divinely guided with her next steps, she has a mission that will unfold before her.

Blessings in abundance to you Sara.

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