
Tuesday 8 October 2013

Russian Activist - Mikhail Kosenko

News from Moscow that the 38 year old Russian opposition activist Mikhail Kosenko has been sent to a 'mental institution for compulsory treatment' against his will and human rights. They plan to keep him there for an 'undefined period'. This is the first time such a thing has taken place in Russia since the collapse of the Soviet Union. [1]

Mikhail wasn't allowed to go to his mother's funeral, he was a bereaved man during the court proceedings.

Putin, this man must be released immediately, you must give him Forgiveness, Amnesty and Liberty, he has to have to time to heal in the arms of love.

'The depth of your forgiveness, determines the depth of your love', from Sacred Words 

So is Russia a loving and forgiving nation? 

Let's see shall we, how quickly they release Mikhail! 


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